Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Morning Reflection and Projection ~04/30/11

Happy Saturday Everyone! The last day of April 2011, another month in the books, the book about to close. This year, how it flies by, like you blink and another month gone. Another major news story, another day of silliness in politics and another day of higher gas prices.

My heart as I am sure your heart goes out to the people of Alabama who have lost over 300 people to the terrible twister this past week.  I am sure any of them would like to be somewhere else right now, playing a game on facebook, or twittering something instead of dealing with the tragedy that they are in right now. Please take time to pray for them and anything you can do we should, as a church, as a community or just as part of the human race.

This month of May that arrives tonight at midnight what will it offer, what memories will you be able to add from it.

My month of May offers many chances, 3 birthdays and a Mother's day. All 3 of our children Janice's and mine have birthdays in May.

May 5th Blake

May 15th Tori

May 31st Troy

May 8th Mothers Day (a very special day for MOM)

So take time to reflect everything you can that was good and grand. Take time to project what you want to grow with this coming month.  Take time to love, to share and to care.

Take time to make a difference, first with yourself, that self talk we all do inside of our spirit, be kind and gentle with you.

Take time to make a difference with a sincere, genuine smile. Make a strangers day a bit brighter with that expressive power of a smile. Let it transform that moment.

Take time to offer a kind word, open a door, help with something that just may make another persons moment a bit easier.

Take time, Make time to tell those you love how much they mean to you.  Smiles to you all this Saturday!

It really is not just about you and me

But a bigger picture that will pass by every day

Your greater purpose awaits not just you

But somone who you just may touch in a special way!


May you project these ideas into your day, week, month.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Till next time......Smile!!!   :  )

Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference




Friday, April 29, 2011

Flowing into Friday ~04/29/11

Happy Friday everyone! Smile abound in London today as the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton takes place.

Smiles everywhere.  England knows how to celebrate a Wedding of Royalty.  Yes indeed.  Hours and hours of Coverage and you have to ask why is it so popular?

Why?  Well it makes people happy to see a commoner enter into the castle of high prestige as Ms. Middleton is today.


The pageantry and the well rehearsed ceremony the music so many reason I suppose.  But to me people love the celebration, a reason to alter the normalcy of the day.  Good news does have some power to attract and a wedding is good news.

We all have seen enough bad news as of late, with the storms, destruction, death and war upon war in Africa and the Middle East.  It may just be a time to celebrate a Royal Wedding.

So enjoy the history, it has already happened but here is the Royal Channel at You Tube

The Royal Wedding of

Prince William & Catherine Middleton

Smiles abound, my favorite kind of day!

Have a great Friday everyone!

Just flowing into Friday with you and sending you a smile along the journey.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !



Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Theory ~04/28/11

Happy Thursday to you today, each and everyday may your be blessed, appreciated, loved and have the ability and the passion to return that appreciation and love to another.

We all are in this together, this thing called life.  Full of twists and turns, great things, just o.k. things and of course tragedy.

That tragedy is a reality to many across this country.  Over 160 tornadoes developed yesterday and killed over 170 people with others still missing.

Our prayers go out to these families affected by these tragic events and our thanks go out to the many first responders both locally and in the states affected that put their lives on the line to protect ours.

Everyday I write about the simple power of the smile.  I like to think of its powers in 4 different ways.

Reflective power, as when you give a smile they always seem to be contagious and spread and come back to the giver.

Expressive power, when you can express your current love for the moment with a smile and convey the positive energy that is going on in your life at this time.  The energy of the moment can be quite helpful.

Transitional power, the ability to take a current event, with tension that you can cut and transition into a much more relaxed or at the very least less stressful.

Transformational power, the ability to take a depressed mood and start the change to transform with a smile, a kind word and a gentle empathy for another.  What magic a smile can hold.

Each and every moment we face challenges. Some more dramatic and traumatic as in the victims of a disaster and some more heart felt as in the loss of a friend or family member to illness or death.

The clock keeps ticking for all that live it.

86,400 seconds each day pass by and another day ends.

With your smile in place or another form of emotion life ticks on.

The ability and choice we all have to change our current emotional state to one of empowerment and not lack is well noticed in our lives.  As it should always be front of mind.

Your smile can help to heal anyone who is going through something that maybe just maybe a little too much at the moment for them to bear.

My thoughts go out to those in need this morning. A smile sent out via this post and a prayer sent out for anyone in hurt.

May your day be blessed.

May your head be held higher.

May your smiles be shared.

My Thursday  Theory

Enjoy your day and may it be a day filled

with smiles and magic and love!

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Thursday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Wish on Wednesday ~04/27/11


Happy Wednesday everyone!  Another great day in the Pittsburgh area and I hope your smile lasts all day and of course I hope you share.

My Wish this Wednesday is that we all learn to share more. Share joy, share love and share the simple genuine power of the smile.

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others,

cannot keep it from themselves.

~Author unknown

As I type out these words I can't help to admit that I don't always walk around in a state a bliss, I have moments of other emotions and not just that sincere smile.  I can say that I realize it quicker and right the ship because of these words that slide out from my fingers.  I can also say that my prayers and times in meditation with God give me a stronger sense of gratitude that helps define my daily path.

The path we choose to take in life helps to define our intent.

My wish is that the path you choose you are never afraid to share with those you love.

That you can always keep your eyes looking up in pride and never down in fear.

FEAR can slow down or even stop our stride down and path and of course I have always believed that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.  It is our minds way to prevent an action but has not real proof that your FEAR is real or not.

Remember a failure at anything at worst is an education.

To share an event of kind

To share a moment of joy

To share the kindness and sincerity of a smile

To alter another persons lack and give them something more.

All wishes that I share with you today.

All wishes that I hope you carry with you everyday.

My Wednesday Wish for you!  This Wednesday, right now, yes ... right now that you start to be kind to yourself and enjoy your week with anyone, everyone.

Become greatness

Enjoy life

Breathe joy

Share a smile, first with yourself then with another : )


Prayers and smiles always sent your way!

Have a great week everyone!

My Wednesday wish for you this day.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday Gratitude Attitude *New* ~04/26/11

Happy Tuesday everyone! A great Tuesday morning here in Western PA, the birds singing, the owl hooting sounds like spring may have just arrived.  Yesterday the sun shined and the warm air was awesome.


I hope that you had a chance to catch yesterday's Monday Morning Minute. The fourth week in the video blog and if you get the chance email me to let me know what topics or thoughts you would like me to add or talk about.

The Gratitude Attitude is a way of thinking that can shape your life, it will enrich and the action/moment is better than your best breakfast, better than the most perfect cup of coffee or tea and better than a kiss from a loved one. For all of those things the breakfast, beverage and affection are but a moment shared, the Gratitude Attitude will last the whole day through, a life time.

I write about gratitude and the power of a smile each post I type away, my fingers going quickly across the keyboard.  I enjoy the process because the automatic write that I put out is a first for both of us.  It comes from somewhere deep in my spirit and it truly is a pleasure to share here, and on Red Gage and MMSO (Make ME Smile ONline) what I feel can heal many a broken spirit, or broken heart for not just a moment but many moments in time.

It all starts with us though.  A shared smile, a kind word, a gentle touch all simple and sincere and when done with a heart of kindness  can change a persons day, week and perhaps perspective for years to come.

Gratitude is the simple action from within that says

life is great and these are the reasons why.



Enjoy the day, Enjoy your life, share a smile and make a difference for you and someone else today!

Gratitude Attitude allow it to grow from within and watch it change your day, your life.

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference



Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Morning Minute *New* 04/25/11

Welcome to the new week everyone : )  Enjoy the Monday Morning Minute Video click the video below.

 Thought for the day:

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are.
~Author Unknown

Play Hard, Stay Foolish and Stay Hungry!
: )
Smiles sent your way today and everyday!
Happy Monday everyone!
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts ~04/24/2011


Happy Sunday everyone! Along with that a very happy Easter as well.  The holiday not about jelly beans or easter baskets, chocolate bunnies hollow or solid, marshmallow eggs or peeps, no this is the season for understanding that Jesus is alive, risen and in heaven.

Romans 6:8-11

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. (NIV)


Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer;

Death is strong, but Life is stronger;

Stronger than the dark, the light;

Stronger than the wrong, the right...

~Phillips Brooks, "An Easter Carol"


Mark 16:1-8

When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?"

But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' "

Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid. (NIV)

We now understand not to be afraid or wonder.  We now understand the power of the cross.

We also know that being a Christian does not make us perfect, fore we are all sinners, we are just forgiven.

We also know that being a Christian does not make us a judge or a jury but a witness for the truth.

Not a carrier of stones to be thrown, or accusations to be put forth but love to be given, charity to be shared, and a light to bring others out of darkness.

That is my Easter season, and it does not end today for me, nor should it end for you.

The rest of our life awaits, plenty of darkness to brighten and plenty of hearts to put back in whole.

Enjoy the day, and sure maybe the chocolate but more importantly enjoy the season and the reason.

He is risen.....

~Matthew 28 verse 6

That is my Sunday prayer for you.

Don't forget something new on Monday the Monday Minute. Looking forward to sharing it with you. Smiles sent your way!

Just a Sunday Thought and a Sunday Prayer for you.

Live your life, make a difference!

God Bless you and Till next time......Smile!!!   :  )

Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish

Happy Sunday everyone

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Morning Reflection and Projection ~04/23/11


Happy Saturday everyone, I hope your weekend is warm, dry and unlike ours here in western PA.  It is wet, wet and more rain a coming. It will be 71 deg so I guess thats half of my wish.


Saturday reflection takes me back to a time when washing and waxing my car took high priority.  Tooth brushing the crevices of the Cragar 5 spoke wheels and polishing and shining the chrome of the side pipes on my T/A even more.

Hated any spots, but taking it out took care of that of course, but it was still nice getting it to sparkle.

My 74 Trans AM from Pontiac with the Big Eagle painted, yes painted on the hood and the letters on the back painted as well. No decal for me.

Red in color I somehow avoided speeding tickets, lucky I guess but the miles I did put on with friends at every seat.

Now many years later, I don't have that Saturday off to do that, I drive a Chevy Malibu and the passengers tend to always be my kids and wife Janice, I am fine with that, more than fine actually. I love that.

Time passes on and memories stay with us, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health our memories stay with us.

Just as the vows stay with us in the marriage our memories are locked in with us forever.

So as usual I ask you to make memories with your family, your loved ones, mom and or dad as time marches on we start to lose the real thing and hold on, no cherish the memories that we created.

Create memories today, don't wait for another day.

Take the hand of those you love, hug a little tighter, kiss a little longer and cherish the moments like you know you'll remember them for years.

Because trust will remember them, those memories for years to come.

Enjoy your Saturday everyone.

It really is not just about you and me

But a bigger picture that will pass by every day

Your greater purpose awaits not just you

But somone who you just may touch in a special way!


May you project these ideas into your day, week, month.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Till next time......Smile!!!   :  )

Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference



Friday, April 22, 2011

Flowing into Friday ~04/22/11

A very happy Friday wish sent your way!  Good Friday some call it.Holy Friday as this is the day that Jesus was crucified and buried.

This is the day that Jesus, the son of God died for our sins.  Easter Weekend is upon us, the season and the reason is well documented in the holy bible, yet somehow we should celebrate this day the is weekend everyday and every weekend, minus the easter eggs and the chocolate bunnies and the jelly beans of course.

We should each day be able to shout and give praise that he is risen and loves us all just the same.  He does not hate any of his creations, he gave us all free will to do as we choose, he gave us a rule book in the bible but he does not despise or hate any of his children.

So why should we hate or despise anyone for any reason?

I sometime wonder with all of the great holiday traditions that  we celebrate why is it that we can become so apathetic to those we come across each day.  How can we hate or judge with so much passion as we often do.

Think of the list of passionate holidays each and ever year:

New Years, Valentines Day, Easter, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Eight major holidays filled with love, warm wishes but the other 357 days where do we go wrong?

This year, this season, this week maybe we should all just grab the reigns of our life, our will and decide to design a better us, a better spirit of empathy, concern, awareness, respect.  Decide to design a better way for all to see in our example.

After all we are all children of God, all of us.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Just flowing into Friday with you and sending you a smile along the journey.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Friday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Theory ~04/21/11

Happy Thursday everyone! A day off to enjoy, and some travel as I take both of my kids to Ohio to visit family.  Their Aunt is meeting me half way so four hours round trip of driving. The quality time with my kids will be awesome, the drive back some quiet time.  So asking for prayer and positive thoughts sent my way, it is appreciated.
I was going to write about life's disappointments and how to best handle them.  But I was slightly sent in another direction by a quote that I found here is the quote:

"Suspense is worse than disappointment"
~Robert Burns

What a quote, five words and I have to say the first way that I thought of this quotes is not the only way.
That is the one best things that I like about quotes from the past.
You don't really know the mood or even the personality of the writer much so you have to really think on the quote.
My first mental thought on this quote was 'really' how absurd the thought that life with all of its randomness could ever leave the drama and uncertainty in such a bad light for anyone.
The best part of going into a new day is the suspense of life and how each moment can turn out.  Sure we are in control of our thoughts and actions but truly much of life has twist and turns and waves of energy that flows our way and that suspense makes it, life full of passion and joy.  Would never stop the suspense of a new meal or experience because it may be disappointing. Never in a million years.
The next way I looked at it, after I came down from the ceiling in angst was the author may have been telling us that if you really look at it, the it being disappointment, then if you never look at it in a bad light it will always just be another outcome not a big deal what so ever. Just another outcome.  The suspense is the worst thing not the disappointment of the finality.  The result is just an education nothing more.
I like that, made a little more sense and the message accepted.
Which leads me to this quote.
Life is full of lessons
any lesson learned
wanted or not
has power
Power to build, shape and empower
With that power at our disposal the lesson
should be eagerly longed for.

Always enjoy that moment, each moment is made and designed for you.
My Thursday  Theory
Enjoy your day and may it be a day filled
with smiles and magic and love!
May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.
May you stay hungry and stay foolish!
May your heart be warmed because it always was.
Smiles sent your way this day and always!
Happy Thursday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Wish on Wednesday ~04/20/11


Happy Wednesday everyone! The middle of the week and how close we are to the weekend, Easter weekend a time to give thanks and a time to enjoy family, friends and more.

More?  A time to reflect and show how grateful we are that 'our' God reigns! Our reason for the season to worship, praise and give thanks that Jesus, is alive and sitting at the right hand of God in heaven and that he died for our sins so that we may have eternal life. Thats quite a bit to be grateful for! Our God reigns.

So what is my Wednesday wish for you?


That you take the time to worship this weekend, of course but thats not it alone.

That you take the time to give thanks to your family and enjoy them, show them how much you care.  Thats another part of my wish but thats not it.

My wish for you this holiday season..........

That this season you focus on the reason. The reason to wake up on a Monday, any Monday and know that the reason we worship and give praise on Easter should be the same reason we give praise and thanks any day of the year.  Any Monday, Tuesday, any day of the week we should be able to rise up and say 'Our' God reigns.

This is my wish, that we understand why we give praise, and give thanks and why we all have the chance and ability to make a difference, in our life and in the lives of others.



One starfish at a time.

One day at a time.

My Wednesday Wish for you!  This Wednesday, right now, yes ... right now that you start to be kind to yourself and enjoy your week with anyone, everyone.

Become greatness

Enjoy life

Breathe joy

Share a smile, first with yourself then with another : )


Prayers and smiles always sent your way!

Have a great week everyone!

My Wednesday wish for you this day.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference