Saturday, May 30, 2009

Staying Focused


By Holly Watson

Psalms 63:1

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. ~ NIV

I almost got off track. I almost allowed my own excitement,
emotions and feelings to get in the way of what the Lord is trying to accomplish.

How easy it is to forget that this is NOT about us.

This is NOT about ME!

There is a far greater picture than what our eyes can see.

It is easy to get distracted in life. We get all caught up in ourselves and
our flesh wants to take over. Sometimes gently, but swiftly,
the Lord nudges us back on track. He gently pulls us back to Him.

At times He will allow us to go on for a while and see how far we will wander, but He won’t let us go very far. He will allow something in our lives to get our attention.

Something that awakens that part of us, the part that knows; that we know
where HE is leading us. We have that knowing deep within our being.

It is there for all of us if we want it. It is there for all of us that “go deep” within ourselves.

Stop and center yourself; you hear Him softly whisper.

Remember me.

Remember where I have brought you from and now where I am taking you.

My Word is your foundation. Don’t allow your eyes to wander to and fro.

Don’t allow yourself to be wooed away from My presence.

Stay the course.

Keep your eyes on Me and I will guide you.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Recipe for a Happy Life

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope this day is a day of fun, joy and plenty of smiles! Sunday is a great day to recharge and refocus on what is coming and reflect on what was shared.

I hope you have Sunday traditions that starts your week strong. Some have a local church or family gathering. Some have a favorite place for lunch to share with family over good food. Whatever you have relish in the fact that family and fun are so important.

May your day be blessed with love.

I found this Recipe for a Happy life on the web. Author is unknown, however it is a good read and something I wanted to share. Enjoy!

Take twelve whole months.
Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness,
hate, and jealousy.
Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.

Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or
thirty-one different parts,
but don't make up the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day one part of faith,
one part of patience, one part of courage,
and one part of work.
Add to each day one part of hope,
faithfulness, generosity, and kindness.
Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation,
and one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash of good spirits,
a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,
and a cup full of good humor.

Pour all of this into a vessel of love.
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy,
garnish with a smile, and serve .

Till next time, keep smiling! : )

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Conviction defines conviction as a fixed or firm belief.

I guess that would define our fixed and firm belief here at Make Me Smile Online. We have a very fixed belief and idea that we want to make others smile!

Not a bad idea huh?

We want to promote, our thoughts about the smile and about all of us making that difference as we promote this with your help and word of mouth. We all can walk the talk.
Actions used everyday to make your life better and the lives of those around you.

We want to share with you our beliefs about the simple act of a smile can enrich others.

We want to develop our online community with your help, your ideas and your comments.

Your comments mean so much, so please pass them on.

We want to entertain as we go along of course, make you think a little.

Of course smile a little, and develop that muscle between your cheeks so that even in the toughest of times, even with all the things that can go wrong, you can in an instant make it better. Make your moment better, you can make it right, and change your state into a more resourceful purpose.

We want to educate, you the reader, that you can make that difference in making our world, your world a little bit better, a little bit nicer, and make your health and well being better in the process.

The simple yet powerful result of happiness, the smile can change the broken hearted.

Can change the lonely.

Can change the sad.

Know it, believe it, trust in it. It is simple and powerful but it is real. Try it but something tells me you already have. So pass it on. To someone who needs it. Share your smile.

Power Thought Action Number 5 ~ Simple yet powerful, share that smile,
your smile, look for the moment to make a difference.

Till next time. Smile ! ! ! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I just got done watching the movie 'Homeless to Harvard' on Lifetime. It is a 2003 movie and I was moved enough to share some quotes from the movie that should inspire you.

The summary of this movie is about Liz Murray who born with parents that were both drug addicts she was homeless by age 15. Graduated high school in 2 years instead of 4 while eating out of dumpsters in NYC. She focused on working hard, staying positive and had the attitude that she belonged and received a Harvard education on her way to earning a degree in clinical psychology.

One word, Wow!

Her quotes from the movie for sharing:

I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good. ~Liz Murray

I'm smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance. A chance to climb out of this place I've born in. Everyone I know are angry and tired. They're trying to survive. But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that's better developed. And I want to live in it. ~ Liz Murray

My mother was dying. My father was gone. But I had to believe that their road
would rise up to meet me. ~ Liz Murray

The road did rise for her. She did it with pure will, attitude and a fire in herself that would not be put out by anyone.

The human spirit will always be stronger than we could ever imagine. Tap into your spirit, tap into your fire and make a difference.

Power Action Thought Number 118 ~ Know thyself, dig deep into who you are and know just know what you can become with the right attitude and a desire and start it all with a smile!

Thats all for now, believe in yourself! Believe in what you can do, what can be done and just do it.

Start everyday with a smile and end everyday with a smile!

Till next time! Smile!!

Links about Liz Murray and the Movie:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A New Thought

It may not be a new thought for some but then again if it is for one of us it was worth talking about here.

We can all make a difference in our life and in the life of others.

We all have the ability to smile and give a kind word of encouragement.

We all at one time or another felt loved, felt wanted and felt important.

At the very least once.

So why do we still find people addicted to sadness, paralyzed by fear and worry and consumed by indecision?

One word, the new thought, here it is - - Action, or the failure to take it.

A few quotes to read here:

In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. - Theodore Roosevelt

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
-- Albert Einstein

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. ~ Edward Everett Hale

Action, a simple enough word but some just watch the world go by instead of helping it move in a better direction.

Today is Monday, what are your plans this week. Not the plans for everyday life, to just get by. Plans to make another persons world a bit better. A quote from "Our Mission Page" is a place to start;

What is Success?

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think this quote brings it all into a perspective of what action we could do to make this world a bit better.

Wayne Gretsky, a great hockey player had this quote that follows:

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Take your shot, so what if you just made someone's day a bit happier, easier, blessed. So what, indeed.

Power Action Thought for Today -- Number 34
Take Action, make another persons day a bit better.

A friend of mine once said it is not that you tried something and failed that matters.

It is that at the end of the day, you can look in the mirror
and love the person in the mirror that is looking back.

Till next time Smile!!!

PS. Our May Newsletter is out if you want a copy or want to share or join us then take the time to register on our front page of

Friday, May 8, 2009

Something fun for the weekend

Here is something fun for you and the family this weekend. It is quick, tasty and worth every minute. It is the 5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake. A friend shared this with me yesterday and I thank him now! It was great!

I tried and I smiled the whole time I made it. Take the time this weekend to try this and print and save the recipe for another day. Rain or shine this is a hit.

Saturday is great day isn't rain or shine it is a day for family. Make it a fun day for everyone and take the time to share your smile and share in magic that we call making a difference in someone's day!

Power Action Thought for Today ~~ Number 192 Share the smile with your family.

There are some that spend the day smiling and then return home to get all serious and tense. I doubt that is anyone here but if it is realize the best place to practice is at home.

Enjoy the recipe and smile this weekend. Enjoy it with your favorite warm or cold beverage.

Till next time Smile!!! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Rain

Do you remember the rhyme as a kid ' Rain, Rain go away, come again another day because we want to play today' . It always seemed to rain when you had a baseball game as a little kid. I remember the poem and it is raining down here in Pittsburgh today. It may be where you are as well.

Rain, Rain go away....

Farmers love rain, anyone who lives in a dry climate loves rain I'm sure.

The crew outside of Noah's Ark when he closed it up with his family and animals inside probably did not like the rain.

Rain makes the flowers grow and our veggie gardens. It makes grass grow too and when it rains our yards always seems to need cutting with our mowers.

Rain has a way to keep us inside with the family, for most of us that is a good thing.

It cancels baseball games, and cookouts but football is fun in the rain, catching earthworms for fishing is always best in the rain.

The reason why we should smile at the rain or in the rain is this; whether it is raining or sunny, a smile is always welcome by another. It can change the mood and maybe be a highlight in their day.

Our attitudes, and smiles should never be contingent on the weather, or anyone or anything else for that matter.

No power action thought for today.

But I did find this cool poem which I will give credit to the author.

So enjoy it and for now just smile! :)

The Rain
~ Lemar H.

Open your mouth to the rain, let it patter your tongue;

Caress your face.
Run around in the rain

Let it chase you;

Catch you at your heels.

Dance in the rain,

Let it lead you;

Hear its musical symphony.

Lie in the rain,

Let it cover you

Seep into you.

Laugh in the rain,

Let it tickle you;

Poke you in all the right places.

Cry in the rain,

Let it wash away your sorrow;

Lose your tears in it.

Smile at the rain,

Let it carry away your worries;

take a break from life.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Smile for your health

A smile is contagious, it is a fact, when you are around other smiling people you are drawn to them.

Ever go to a funny movie and leave feeling better, from top to bottom your body reacts in a positive manner. A smile and laughter is proven to be good for your health, mind, body and soul.

People who have an illness have been shown to recover quicker and respond better to treatment when they have a sense of humor and a positive outlook.

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine.

A smile makes us look better, it makes us more attractive, more appealing to others.

We all go through struggles in our life but if we can focus on the positive and what is going right in our life how much better we will feel.

The Gratitude Journal is an excellent tool for this. Every day, or every night write in your journal and list all the things your grateful for, what is right in your life, what is good at this moment. Try it, what do you have to lose, you just may gain a smile.

What is your favorite comedy of all time? Do you own it? How often do you watch it? When you need it a good movie can be a lifter of the spirit.

We all need that, we all want that. A lift in our daily routine, a smile can change the way we see things. It is and will always be that simple act that can change your state.

The purpose of our home on the web at is simple. Teach others how to make a difference in their own life and the lives of others.

Join our cause, register you get a free newsletter with tips and you get information that you can use to lift the spirit of yourself and others.

Power Action Thought for today -- Number 172 Own a few movies that make you laugh and when you feel a little blue take the time to watch one.

Take the time for yourself, focus on what is good, write everyday something that be grateful for.

So. what can a smile do:

A smile can heal.

A smile can encourage another.

A smile can lift a burden or answer a prayer for someone.

A smile can end an argument and dissolve tensions.

A smile can bring humor.

A smile can bring a smile back to the giver.

A smile can and will make someone's day a little bit better.

Make this day, today the best day of your life.

Till next time, Smile !!! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy be kind to pet week!

May 3 - May 10 Be kind to animal week. You may not know that this has been promoted since 1915. Here is a little more about it, click here.

I have two dogs that bring me so much joy and happiness. Bella, she is a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog and Bear he is a Shepard Husky Mix .

They both have a way of making you smile when you come home at the end of long day. Unconditional love given with lots of excitement as you walk through the door. A few treats and a rub of the belly and you have a party.

All animals have a personality all of their own. Both domestic and wild they share so much with us and this week is a week to focus on giving a little back.

Have you ever viewed the video of Christian the lion click here to watch this.

It can bring a tear to your eye when you watch this , a video worth watching more than once and a good video to recognize during be kind to animal week.

Some suggestions to make a difference this week .

* Donate to your local no kill pet shelter.

These are just a few resources for you.

You can make a difference, animals play such a big roll in our lives, we owe it to them to look out for them.

Power Action Thought for Today Number 163 - - Visit a no kill pet shelter and if nothing else donate something small.

All you have to do is pet your cat or dog and you will learn what power they have to share a smile.

If you have a dog or cat, treat them to a special treat this week, they give you a special feeling all year long.

Till next time Smile :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Time to Reflect

A time to reflect

Wow, its May already how the days fly. Do you remember when you were a kid in grade school, the best time of the day was getting off the school bus, talking with your friends and rushing outside after dinner. Wow those were the days huh? We would count down the days till the end of school, how cool was that. The teachers even counted the days down. They were just as ready as us for summer. That feeling is going on in every school across America!

When you go outside Saturday take it all in. Summer is around the bend, you can smell the fresh cut grass and hear the lawn mower’s off in the distance. Another great thing about summer, cooking out on the grill, charcoal or gas it does not matter, just the sound of a sizzling burger or the steak and mushrooms aroma coming out from the grill lid. Mmmmm… Summer is just around the bend.

The impending smell of flowers blooming, and fresh veggies from the garden and the sound of kids in a nearby pool

Are you smiling yet?

How blessed we all are to have the freedom that we all enjoy in this country. The freedom to speak, to have an opinion and to march for a cause in peaceful protest.

Yes, times are tough but if we just take the moment to share with each other the things we have, the moments we have had and the future we can look forward to.

Hope is always alive, my friend and if you can just take a moment to reflect on what our prior generations went through. What great minds have taken us from the depths of sorrow and pain.

We have very strong roots in this country and even in our own families. So we all have stories or memories we can dwell on to pull out our own smile. We all have the mind and the memories to pull from to generate a smile. All we really need is to do it. So just smile, even in the toughest moments when you find it hard to smile, remember the moments that matter most.

For those who have pets, they are a 24 hour a day smile maker.

For those who have kids, remember the moment they first looked up to you.

For those who have partners, the first time you said the ” I love you” and kissed, don’t forget that.

For those who have parents yet alive, cherish the moments they took the time to correct you, its the greatest sign of love.

For those who have no problems with your smile, share it with another and another, and yet another. You have the greatest gift of all, the smile.

Power Action Thought for today — Number 22 Take the time, no make the time to remember the moments that made you smile and go back and reflect.

Time, we all have time and even when we don’t, make the time to share a smile! Make a difference today! Give a smile to someone who misplaced theirs.

Till then have a great month of May and smile!! :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

What does a smile do?

What does a smile do?


S = Sets you free

M = Makes you special

I = Increases your value

L = Lifts up your spirit

E = Erases all your tensions

So don't forget to smile!

Just something to hang on your fridge or desk at work.

Below a video that always makes us smile here.

Have a great day!

Have a great month!

Till next time Smile!

Click here for the video and enjoy!