Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Move Forward with your Mission

 Simple? Truly it can be and must be its up to us

The moment you decide and act upon your mission and your vision your life will never


What is your mission?

This month my vision and mission was to open up
 the curtains on the window of Mission Statements.

The view can be spectacular and extremely rewarding if you just look out at your view

The view of your desired future.

Rise up and choose your path

Detect your passion, your gift from the creator, your skills

Rise up and move forward

Move forward and Make your life unforgettable 

Smiles sent and share them with another


Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09    /    29    /   2020

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Smile and Quiet Resolve

 A mission begins with a decision to act.  A statement begins when it is committed to and written down for self and others.  A mission statement is a call to action.

The simple power of taking action.  To resolve and move forward to rise up, what a gift to self and others.

The silence can make your life smoother and more focused on your determination

The power of a smile, in a mirror or to another can change the receivers thoughts and their overall posture.  For that moment and maybe the whole day.

Share a smile and share your spirit.

Your mission and your smile

Rise up!

Make a difference


Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09    /    29    /   2020

Monday, September 28, 2020

Motivation Mastery on a Monday


O Captain, My Captain

Written 1865 by Walt Whitman

A poem of both relief and grief, it was written about the death of Abraham Lincoln.

Tough times with over 618, 222 men killed in the Civil war.

2% of the population at the time

The deadliest war ever.

O Captain my Captain, may we never have to live this era again.  

Rise up and share a smile, a kind word, 
these efforts will go an extra mile.


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   28   /   2020

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Found in the Words 2020.09.27


Getting Lost in a Picture and Found in the Words (cont.)

The goal is making someone smile, think a little deeper and possibly make positive changes for their happiness intake.  These photos are a share for you the reader, hope you enjoy. 

In the coming days I hope to find others who would share* (with appreciation and source connected) their photos.  So submit them if you have a macro picture or mesmerizing style that you would like to share.  

Thank you in advance

The ocean, the sound the waves and the touching of the shore when tide comes in

Perhaps the sights and sounds of the beach brings some of the happiest times.  The relaxing sounds and the warmth of the summer sun.

We do our best thinking when we meditate and get in touch with the soul.  Our inner spirit and the inner voice is heard better in silence and calmness.

The true sound of silence and time to meditate.  Take that time each day.  Maybe just maybe we can find our own way to make this world a better place.

One Smile at a Time!


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   27   /   2020

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Getting Lost in a Picture ~ 2020.09.26

 Found in the Word

Another Segment of an in-depth thought on a picture that touched me. 

Just a simple picture and some thoughts and comments. 

Something to give some thoughts upon and perhaps reflect with.

Again I did not take this picture but wanted to share my find.

Taking the time to evaluate another's point of view

The values and beliefs we grow with and behold are indeed factual.  Without a doubt our views on life, relationships, our work and its importance will guide us down life's highway.

The journey is perhaps the best part of any of life's experience. 

However the truth about it is inspect and look at the bigger picture about the challenges others have before them.

Homelessness is climbing and the job market is forever changing during times like this year delivers every single day.

The entertainment and the dining experience and even the sport's experience will never be exactly the same as time moves on.

A recent trip down the highway exposes more and more business closed by the new experience.  The challenges are real.

If we hold on with all our might to values and beliefs and with hold kindness, love, gentleness with those who just maybe becoming numb to the whole 2020 experience we maybe losing the bigger and honest picture of life.

Take time and make the time to evaluate and be a little bit more understanding and loosen up of your barbwire.  It just maybe a bit easier for everyone. 

Rise up!  Smile and be kind!  It is so much easier to be kind!


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09    /    26     /   2020

Friday, September 25, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Renewal

 To start a renewal process to begin fresh and to realign with civility.

The past couple days I took the time to watch the documentary 
'the Social Dilemma' on Netflix

Worth the 93 minutes it takes to watch 

I watched it twice

So your homework assignment this week end is to

Take the time, make the time and let the message of the documentary sink in.

The answer is not so easy as to walk away from the social media revolution 

But a renewal of our minds, our return to our beliefs and values may just be the key

But how we all ask?

The Social Dilemma is laced with prophetic statements and insights from tech insiders that goes back and forth like a pendulum, hitting us with the hard-to-swallow truth bombs about social media. Here are a few for you to know:

”Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

”If you’re not paying for the product, then you’re the product.”

”It’s the gradual, slight, imperceptible change in our own behaviour and perception that is the product.”

”There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software.”

”Social media is a marketplace that trades exclusively in human futures.”

”The very meaning of culture is manipulation.”

Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to smile : )

Share a smile along the way !


Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09    /    25    /   2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Change

Everything around us has change agents altering it.  Time is a constant change, seasons change, weather has changes always. So do we, resist change?  At your peril, resist change,  its not worth the risk, not ever.

Change is a constant but we need to become the change agent

Make the changes work for you

Be flexible and be aware and be prepared.

Perhaps the hardest change comes in the form of family and relationships.  Understanding that we can only change ourselves for the better of the whole.  We can't change another they can only change themselves.

Change is not a pleasant activity and try to make anyone change because we say so, well it can become a revolt sooner than later.  It becomes impossible.

Family's always have the dynamic of changes, death, addiction, separation, additions. They can alter the flow of life and tear at the fabric of the heart and human emotion.

Give empathy and compassion of course but not altering the line of change is only an enabler of the confusion and pain that often comes with a dramatic condition of life.

Roll with the changes, understand the importance of self preservation and move forward.

Move forward and stop the regret and the regression.

Rise up and learn that you have the power to decide a new direction.

In the moment you do life begins to change, with proper planning, for the better

Rise up!  Be happy!  Share a smile :)

Soar to a new height, higher than you may have ever been.


Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   24.   /.  2020


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Assign, Design and Refine but be SMART

 Assign your values and beliefs to design your goals.  Dreams are great but refine them and plan your steps and execute your efforts. 

But always be SMART....

Be Specific

How will you know what your goals are.... Begin with the end in mind.

What is your finish line look like for your goal. Design the finish line.

Make the Goals and Steps - Measurable

How often will you measure ? What are the standards and increments?


Confidence and Momentum are key to climbing any goal

Is the step ahead of you achievable? Are you over reaching?

Reach and understand the early limits and achieve with design and effort


Your vision and your plans are they impactful to you and others

Will them make others lives better? Easier?

What impact will have?

Is this goal design relevant?


Begin with the end in mind!

Dream your dreams but make them goals

Plan and design your finish line.

Assign your talents and refine your next steps to get you to the next check point

Review your check points

What progress and what is next are you on track?

Realign and push forward

Dreams are just dreams without Goals and Plans

A plan without execution is just a document

Bring your document to life!  Rise up! 

Make a difference ~ Share a smile ~  Be the change you want to see


Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   23   /.  2020

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Mental Ownership

Take inventory of your thoughts, embrace those that have positive impact and push away those that try to disable your progress.

Thoughts become things

Own your words and thoughts and actions.  However realize that you  have control over what you allow to effect your spirit.

Trust in your execution of the mission statement you designed. Own it and allow it to drive your actions and your plans to reach your goals

The world around you may be gloomy but you can stand out 

Your attitude, your beliefs, your values and smile,
will impact everything.

Be that energy the world sometimes lacks.

Rise up

Believe and Achieve

Wish and acquire your results

Acquire through focus, plan execution and adjustments 

Failure is an education, not the end

Rise up and always, smile and be that light another my follow


Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   22   /.  2020


Monday, September 21, 2020

Motivation Mastery on a Monday

 Shoulda ~ Woulda ~ Coulda vs. Can ~ Will ~ Must 

There are many things we.should could do and we can do them all.
There are times when we would do something to become better and more efficient and we say we will.
The moment to say we could of done something is now the time to say we must do it!

So let us stay on topic about becoming a better you.  I call this exercise "5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

5!   Write down, then speak with in the 5 I AM affirmations that you can easily say about yourself.  Maybe it is your strongest traits, or abilities, or personal strengths.

Don't just say them, write them down....... Don't just read them once repeat them daily

5 "I AM" statements that empower you.

4!  List on paper, in your journal somewhere that contains 4 things you are grateful for. Maybe it is tangible things, intangible things, moments in your life that shaped you. Again 4 things that you are grateful for. 

Don't just say them, write them down....   Don't just read them once repeat them daily.

3!  Pick three people that you are thankful for, call them, email them say something to let them know you care that they are a friend or important piece of your life.

Don't just say it, mean it..... Don't just say it once, tell them often, daily or weekly let them know how they matter to you.

2!  Write down two things that you would do if you knew you would not fail and even if you did feel your passion to learn from that failure and come back stronger would be so great it would and could improve your life.

Don't just write it down, take action upon it.  Learn about it, research, love the progress and work at it.  Don't just say you will act as if you must !

1!   One thing that I know that any project or goal is worth planning and moving towards.  When a home is build, plans are drawn up, drawings and supplies are accounted for, land is excavated and prepared before the first brick is laid.  Framing is measured and raised and a roof is placed upon it. So much before the first door or windows are framed.  

So it is with a life changing goal.  One thing that you could do today and tomorrow and everyday this week that would get you towards your dream, your goals and your plans for a better you which will be better not just for self but those around you and for the common and not so common world around you.

Take this day, this evening to plan out your 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Everyday we live and we move and perhaps we move forward or we move backward.  There is no sitting in place, no status quo.  We are changing each and every day, hour, minute and second.

Choose to better yourself!  Start with you !  Be Grateful! Be Kind!  Be proactive and move forward!

This is your day, yes its a Monday but it is yours!  Move forward and Smile along the way !


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   21   /.  2020


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Found in the Words 2020.09.20


Getting Lost in a Picture and Found in the Words (cont.)

The goal is making someone smile, think a little deeper and possibly make positive changes for their happiness intake.  These photos are a share for you the reader, hope you enjoy. 

In the coming days I hope to find others who would share* (with appreciation and source connected) their photos.  So submit them if you have a macro picture or mesmerizing style that you would like to share.  

Thank you in advance

 The picture taken this weekend in Central Pennsylvania near Cascade, MD

High Rock Overlook over 1801' altitude on a clear day you can see several states

A incredible view indeed.  The horizon, the sky, the floating clouds almost get found after you glance at the vast landscape of farms, country trees and yes even the Appalachian Trail is just below the overlook.

A incredible view on an incredible day.  A place to get lost in picture and where you search for words to over take the view.  A place where graffiti sprayed upon the rocks give color that man has created vs all the beauty that God has created.  A wonder why we would try to compete or are we just trying to leave a bit of us there?

Most I observed signed their name, their school, their affection for another soul that they traveled with this day.  A photographer comes with a young couple to take in the backdrop and add some history to their lives.  A view like know other, breathtaking in so many ways.

A few are brave and go to the edge, some that can make you uneasy if you're not afraid of heights.  A few stand far away from the edge, they came for the panoramic view but they have no desire to test the edge of this rock formation.

That is the choices we make, we push or we ease off our comfort zone.  We want the easy but want what the rewards that just a little trust, a little fear, a little uncertainty would give you.

This writer sat on the rock formation, stood near the edge not to close mind you.  

The formation used to be a wooden platform in the 70's and 80's.  I lived in the area 1982/1983, while I worked for a local Murphy's Mart in Waynesboro, PA lived less than 10 minutes from this view.  I came to this spot and slept on that platform to get an afternoon nap.  Yes in my 20's I perhaps didn't toss and turn to much, lucky me.

But the view!


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09  /   20   /  2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Getting Lost in a Picture ~ 2020.09.19

 Found in the Word

Another Segment of an in-depth thought on a picture that touched me. 

Just a simple picture and some thoughts and comments. 

Something to give some thoughts upon and perhaps reflect with.

Again I did not take this picture but wanted to share my find.

So yeah this is not a picture taken by myself or anyone else.... 

It truly is just a cartoon but on closer inspection the story comes to life.

Just as any picture would 

The image of two people, one excited to see a boat approaching with desire, immense to desire to get off this desolate island.  The other person on a small boat that just wants to experience solid and dry land.  Two human beings with comparable emotions of loss and found yet two extremes of expectations.

We are like that, we are in the midst of several pandemic's right now.  Several crisis's and some feel alone, or helpless, angry or sad but the feeling of satisfaction and contentment seems oh so far away.

We wonder if the virus will go away and when.

We wonder if sexual equality will ever arrive in our midst in real and present terms.

We wonder why a family would ever have to live in a car while millionaires and billionaires file bankruptcy to protect their profits and losses.

We wonder why a black mother and father would ever have to explain the differences of respecting the police or authority and why it is so unique to their race.

We wonder ......

We pray, We hope and we hang on to days gone by when all we had to recover from was a loss of a loved one or a tragic terroist attack that united us instead of divided us.

We have more power over all of this that some, most are willing to admit.

The power of a simple kind word to another, a smile in a mirror to start our day off the right way.

The simple act of using affirmations to strengthen our day instead of having it weakened by the reality of the news and tumbling hopes and fears that come crashing down around us.

The day can start that simple.  It can, it will and it must if we hope to on an individual basis change the one thing that has power over all of this.

Our perception and our reality over the next moment.

Our perception and our reality over how we treat each other.

How we react and how we RISE UP!

Rise up my friend, be your best friend, your best motivator.

Spread your small and simple act of kindness


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09    /    19    /   2020