Saturday, September 19, 2020

Getting Lost in a Picture ~ 2020.09.19

 Found in the Word

Another Segment of an in-depth thought on a picture that touched me. 

Just a simple picture and some thoughts and comments. 

Something to give some thoughts upon and perhaps reflect with.

Again I did not take this picture but wanted to share my find.

So yeah this is not a picture taken by myself or anyone else.... 

It truly is just a cartoon but on closer inspection the story comes to life.

Just as any picture would 

The image of two people, one excited to see a boat approaching with desire, immense to desire to get off this desolate island.  The other person on a small boat that just wants to experience solid and dry land.  Two human beings with comparable emotions of loss and found yet two extremes of expectations.

We are like that, we are in the midst of several pandemic's right now.  Several crisis's and some feel alone, or helpless, angry or sad but the feeling of satisfaction and contentment seems oh so far away.

We wonder if the virus will go away and when.

We wonder if sexual equality will ever arrive in our midst in real and present terms.

We wonder why a family would ever have to live in a car while millionaires and billionaires file bankruptcy to protect their profits and losses.

We wonder why a black mother and father would ever have to explain the differences of respecting the police or authority and why it is so unique to their race.

We wonder ......

We pray, We hope and we hang on to days gone by when all we had to recover from was a loss of a loved one or a tragic terroist attack that united us instead of divided us.

We have more power over all of this that some, most are willing to admit.

The power of a simple kind word to another, a smile in a mirror to start our day off the right way.

The simple act of using affirmations to strengthen our day instead of having it weakened by the reality of the news and tumbling hopes and fears that come crashing down around us.

The day can start that simple.  It can, it will and it must if we hope to on an individual basis change the one thing that has power over all of this.

Our perception and our reality over the next moment.

Our perception and our reality over how we treat each other.

How we react and how we RISE UP!

Rise up my friend, be your best friend, your best motivator.

Spread your small and simple act of kindness


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09    /    19    /   2020

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