Sunday, September 20, 2020

Found in the Words 2020.09.20


Getting Lost in a Picture and Found in the Words (cont.)

The goal is making someone smile, think a little deeper and possibly make positive changes for their happiness intake.  These photos are a share for you the reader, hope you enjoy. 

In the coming days I hope to find others who would share* (with appreciation and source connected) their photos.  So submit them if you have a macro picture or mesmerizing style that you would like to share.  

Thank you in advance

 The picture taken this weekend in Central Pennsylvania near Cascade, MD

High Rock Overlook over 1801' altitude on a clear day you can see several states

A incredible view indeed.  The horizon, the sky, the floating clouds almost get found after you glance at the vast landscape of farms, country trees and yes even the Appalachian Trail is just below the overlook.

A incredible view on an incredible day.  A place to get lost in picture and where you search for words to over take the view.  A place where graffiti sprayed upon the rocks give color that man has created vs all the beauty that God has created.  A wonder why we would try to compete or are we just trying to leave a bit of us there?

Most I observed signed their name, their school, their affection for another soul that they traveled with this day.  A photographer comes with a young couple to take in the backdrop and add some history to their lives.  A view like know other, breathtaking in so many ways.

A few are brave and go to the edge, some that can make you uneasy if you're not afraid of heights.  A few stand far away from the edge, they came for the panoramic view but they have no desire to test the edge of this rock formation.

That is the choices we make, we push or we ease off our comfort zone.  We want the easy but want what the rewards that just a little trust, a little fear, a little uncertainty would give you.

This writer sat on the rock formation, stood near the edge not to close mind you.  

The formation used to be a wooden platform in the 70's and 80's.  I lived in the area 1982/1983, while I worked for a local Murphy's Mart in Waynesboro, PA lived less than 10 minutes from this view.  I came to this spot and slept on that platform to get an afternoon nap.  Yes in my 20's I perhaps didn't toss and turn to much, lucky me.

But the view!


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09  /   20   /  2020

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