Realization comes from acceptance of your foot steps left in life.
Never really opened up on my life as a child, as a young adult but for now I may share. It is about the acceptance and reflection that I have come to embrace. The deflection of the disappointment that can never be mended or forgotten.
I grew up in a family that at best was seven parts, the parts broken down into 4 parts abusive anger, 2 parts control and manipulation and what 1 part mental anguish upon the son and daughter that it sent out into the world. Little to no kindness only tough demands for mental submission and loneliness in abundance.
My parents both deceased many years had been married 51 years and if you know me I may have said it should have been 51 minutes. The anger, the abuse both mental and physical they gave each other was very dominant in my reflection.
The words they shared amongst each other were not words fit for anyone much less a small child. I can't speak of my sister's upbringing we were 15 years or so apart so when she left for a new life I was three I believe. But she often speaks of the same descriptive measure that I share now.
I survived with out any physical scars or deep mental scars, only hard memories of the past that I soon relieved with the famous quote:
“Your past does not equal your future.” – Tony Robbins
I embraced that line to this day.
So when asked by my inspective heart "Who am I ?" or "Why am I here?" I went to the task with passion.
I left home at 1 month before my 18th birthday and oh how the freedom pulsed through my hands and arms as I held the steering wheel to my first responsible career.
I of course had to admit and accept interference from the parents that I was given but I could control the narrative a bit more from 5 hours away.
Yes I fell over and over again financially and made my mistakes in my career but I learned from these mistakes. Failed in relationships more than I want to admit here but lets say I have come to enjoy and come to terms with being single. It has great freedom as well.
I don't dwell on the past. Yes it shaped and left a sting, but I like to think that what I have shared and cared for over the years has sent many ripples into the lives of many.
That is very gratifying to my spirit and soul.
The inspections we should do on a quarterly or monthly of ones life should be filled with gratitude or at the very least help us steer our ship to a life of more gratitude.
I have deflected a plenty but It allows and makes me focus on a path forward. A path of sharing and caring and making a difference whether its with a customer or client or if it is with a soul that is struggling or a complete stranger with these shared words typed out in these online blog posts.
I share, I care and I embrace gratitude and hope.
I share, I care and I embrace a joyful guidance through faith and love from God
Don't ever paint a picture of your worth or past accomplishments on what you have not received, you yearn for things that you expect to come. If they don't then strongly I suggest you reveal all of the souls you have touched and the ripples you have made.
Some of these things you may never ever know, but understand one thing they happened and your spirit lit the flame that Inspired another.
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
04 / 22 /2020