Thursday, April 30, 2020

Who Said Life Was Fair ~ Fair For Who?

Forget that you are all alone in this life, you are not.

You have probably said once or twice or daily maybe that life is not fair.  Maybe it is time to realign that statement and look for the silver lining and the blue skies in every situation.

Standing in the forest of daily happenings we often don't see the trees for the forest and so goes the first real problem of life not being fair.

Always love yourself first and the rest will follow.
Be grateful and the rest will happen.

Lighten your load, you can only control what you can control.
Not what others say about your - forget it let it go.
Not what other seem to have over you - you don't know the burdens they carry.

Don't let life weigh you down.

Enough with life not being fair!

Life is what it is and you control your movements on the board of life.

Don't give anyone that power just don't and rise above and carry on with your happiness.

It after all is your choice.......

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

04 / 30 / 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

From The Start

Simply stated you must step into your life from the start and it is better to start now than never.

Failure is an education and so are mistakes, learn from them and improve and move forward.

The first plane ever build failed.  As did the first light bulb, the first steps of a baby usually fail. But yet the plane now flies, the light bulb lights and the baby who once fell well they run.

So should we. 

Famous quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

If you can't fly then run,
If you can't run then walk,
you can't walk then crawl, 
but what ever you do you 
have to keep moving forward!

We all must move forward, open heart, open mind and open eyes.

Clear mind, Clear heart with clear intentions to win.

This stage in our life is all we have. Make it the best stage. For some it will be a new stage a first stage to make it happen and if they fail, the get up again, fall twice - rise twice. Fall 100 times rise 101 times.

Get it in your heart that your the one that makes your mind and body run!

Move forward, Move forward, Move forward!

This day and the next and the next and the next our yours - now what you are you gonna do with them!

Great days are ahead for you !  You have to believe to achieve!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

04 / 29 / 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Change Is Not By Chance

If you want true change don't leave it to chance.

Evaluation done within a Artificial Intelligence program is done by a strict program and computer system that is put in place.  Not by chance mind you.  Someone didn't just plug in the plug and off it goes with out any pre programming.

Yet our mind, our body and our essence is more developed than any computer that exists.

We have the free will, we have blood and plasma and cells and organs that function us.

Yet we walk and plan each day by chance.  Why?

Laziness, knowledge, habit, fear of change, lack of desire to change? 

It is different for everyone, but asking your self questions that are designed to promote evaluation is one step closer to change.

Questions like Who am I?  Why am I here?  What successes have I had?  What knowledge do I share with myself each and everyday?  

Meditate on these questions.  Every morning of everyday stretch the body and stretch your mind.  I will change your point of view I promise you.

Stretch you mind by asking questions

Learn something new each day, plant a good motivational message into your mind.
Read 15 pages of a book that will inspire you.

The mind matters!

May this short but brief share be the spark of change that you want!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

04 / 28 / 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Authority of Your Mind

Realization needs to happen in a moment

That moment you saw your son or daughter born, for the first time and you realized you are a father. 

That moment you looked at your loved one who had passed away at the funeral home and you said your last goodbye.

That moment you turned the key to the front door of your new home and you became a home owner.

That moment you realized  the presents around the tree all wrapped so colorfully, on a Christmas morning and you knew some of them were yours.

Moments of realization and the utilized authority of your mind that told, explained than no matter how easy or difficult these moments are real and true and they are your moments.

You had authority of your mind then and guess you know the next thought is you have authority of your mind now and forever more.

It is easy to reflect the great moments and hard to let go those moments that defined who you are right now.  Believe that those moments of triumph and tragedy define you and mold.  These events shaped you.  You are not a victim you are a child of God.

Believe and Achieve this realization.

You have authority and know one else can leave dirt or disarray in your mind or spirit unless you give them that authority that you have been given alone.

Rise up 
Take your thoughts and self talk back

Not in a minute
Not in an hour

Right now, rise up and say take authority of your mind, your self talk, your gratitude, your attitude and don't allow or. permit anything less

This is day one

I am statements use them.  Self talk, meditation and self conscious listening works.

Ramp up your frequency take it higher and stay connected to the good that will flow into your life!

Just allow it!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

04 / 27 / 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Love ~ Intake and Outtake

Love an often used word for what we want to feel, give and receive.

Probably we should focus more on self love.

Self love is the most important aspect before we can give or share or receive we must be able to know thyself, love thyself and protect ourselves from outside harmful intakes.

A triage nurse assigns a level of treatment in minutes if not seconds for treatment of a medical wound or illness.  We must be the triage nurse for ourselves.  First we must seek to understand ourselves with some guiding principles.  Ask better questions you will get better answers.

First understand that understanding ourselves is possible, it is and it is a must to give ourselves the ability to will it to our spirit.

  We all have inherent strengths, weaknesses, and gifts we share on a daily basis. It is your task to uncover your strengths, and focus on using them 

Think of  this for just a second, pick your favorite food, lets start with a simple egg.  We can treat this egg for our intake so many ways.  We can fry it, poach it, boil, over easy, scrambled, etc.  

Question you probably would not eat the egg if you new it was bad, or burnt, or otherwise uneatable.

Then why do we focus on our weaknesses, our past, our history and look to define our present and future?  There is no good reason.

Ask better questions of yourself and you will get better answers.

What if questions especially like 

What if I believed in myself?
What if I loved myself more than anyone else could?
What if I believed that my goals are attainable?
What if I planned out steps to reach my goals?
What if I knew that failure is nothing more than an education?

What if?  What if? What if?

I am just giving you a better way a thought to be your triage.  To give your intake to a process that will give you a better outtake for your present and future presentation.  Presentation to that mirror that you stare into.  Presentation to that loved one you yearn to make amends to.  

It can not be just words, words are easy and actions speak volumes.

This is day one of the rest of your life.  What are you going to manifest with your thoughts and actions?

All my best, prayers and strong vibes sent your way !

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

04 / 26 / 2020

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Transformation of Oneself

To bring about thorough and dramatic change is to bring about transformation. 

To do this with oneself is truly life changing.

To rise from the ashes of a bad time in ones life is uplifting to hear about and empowering to one who does.  The ability to stay above the ashes, the low point in ones life is transformational.  The bottom of ones life is never pretty, it is very lonely, ugly and many times disfiguring to ones image in the mirror.

One of the keys to transformation is the ability to look beyond the mirror.  To know and understand this is not close to ones best.

To burn away all that doesn't serve you.

To burn away all feelings of lack.
To burn away all feelings of anger and hate

To burn away any feeling and habit and future cause to be forgiven for an ugly event.  To know in advance to cause harm to another in self pity of oneself.

The transformation flame is not a literal flame of course but it is a burning desire for something more.
Something better within ones spirit and soul.

Growing up in an abusive family I often prayed for transformation of my father and mother. They both created events in their one life that feed upon the others rage and hatred and lack of control.

The prayer for transformation was not answered for them but I truly believe with the help of role models outside of my family I was transformed by their best practices, their love for each other and society and I truly embraced that view of life.  Then I did my very best to live it.

We all make mistakes and I admit to mine.  That little voice inside my heart knows these facts.  The fact of the matter is we all will make a mistake.  These mistakes of massive life changing eventuality must be avoided at all costs. Some mistakes and I am grateful I never made did not harm to myself or another. Truly I give thanks that it was a road never traveled.

The transformation process begins with realization of a much higher power.  To realize we do have free will but with not the understanding of our creator and the purpose we have been placed upon this earth.  With out that understanding we will wander and stumble upon our own direction.

An example of true beauty in words about this is the Serenity Prayer as is follows in its full text.

God grant me the serenity ~ To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can; ~ And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; ~ Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; ~Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it; ~ Trusting that He will make things right
If I surrender to His Will; ~ So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him ~ Forever and ever in the next.
To understand that true transformation starts with 
that peace of mind that we have a guide a true peace sets in.
Admission is hard to accept that there is a problem here. 
Acceptance is even harder.
But we would not take the time to build a house
 on ground that was ready to sink at any time.
So it is to rebuild your foundation of life, growth, 
happiness, appreciation on a more solid ground.
I wish you well and may this day be a new beginning 
for your transformation. 

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

04 / 25 / 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Creativity and Imagaination

Freedom is daring when others doubt, imagination is daring when others stay still and creativity is the outcome of both.

Tough times are all around us with out a doubt, we can focus on the short comings and wonder why or we can imagine a better path and create the how. The why is always there.  Better questions will always give you a better set of answers.

The power of the mind is limitless.  The power of the will is based upon the individual.

 “Imagination is more important than knowledge.
 For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, 
while imagination embraces the entire world, 
and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

~Albert Einstein

Dig deep into your wonder. Dig deep into your spirit and desire.  Water these and watch them grow before you eyes.

Meditate and pray and grasp the thoughts that seem to slip away.

Ask the question and ponder the path take the first step and worry not about the failure worry only about the spirt that won't give up.

We don't give up on love
We don't give up on our freedoms
We don't give up on hope
We won't give up on our faith

We must never give up on imagination if we did long ago imagine now where we would be now.

We will get through this together and united by kindness and light.

Ignore the nay sayers ignore the spreaders of hate and disdain and confusion.

For where there is love and faith we as a human race will truly be unstoppable.

 Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04 / 24 /2020

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Strength At Heroic Levels

Strength is found during tough times, it bring hero's to the front.

It brings people together when we need each other most.

The front line first responders, the front line medical staff and all the front line retail staff that keeps our shelves stocked, our cars serviced and tased are in incredible hero's.

They find the strength to answer the call.  They wake up and work long hours, face incredible risks.  They view and hear incredible story's mostly sad and they keep on keeping on.

They need our prayers these hero's and our gratitude. We must always thank them for their service.

The keep on being strong and they serve through it all.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy

May we all live in a manner that honors these hero's.

May we all give thanks in a manner fitting for these who gave so much.

May we be kinder to each other.

May we use our time to grow and to share and to care for the simple act of kindness.

Today we find things are unusual, chaotic, scary but we know that together we will get through this.

Together we will survive.  Together lets help each other thrive and feel appreciated.

Together let us all rise above and be grateful and be confident that we can and we will be the best us we can be.

 Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04 / 23 /2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Reflection ~ Inspection ~ Deflection

Realization comes from acceptance of your foot steps left in life.

Never really opened up on my life as a child, as a young adult but for now I may share. It is about the acceptance and reflection that I have come to embrace.  The deflection of the disappointment that can never be mended or forgotten.

I grew up in a family that at best was seven parts, the parts broken down into 4 parts abusive anger, 2 parts control and manipulation and what 1 part mental anguish upon the son and daughter that it sent out into the world.  Little to no kindness only tough demands for mental submission and loneliness in abundance.

My parents both deceased many years had been married 51 years and if you know me I may have said it should have been 51 minutes.  The anger, the abuse both mental and physical they gave each other was very dominant in my reflection.

The words they shared amongst each other were not words fit for anyone much less a small child.  I can't speak of my sister's upbringing we were 15 years or so apart so when she left for a new life I was three I believe. But she often speaks of the same descriptive measure that I share now.

I survived with out any physical scars or deep mental scars, only hard memories of the past that I soon relieved with the famous quote:

“Your past does not equal your future.” – Tony Robbins

I embraced that line to this day.

So when asked by my inspective heart "Who am I ?" or "Why am I here?" I went to the task with passion.

I left home at 1 month before my 18th birthday and oh how the freedom pulsed through my hands and arms as I held the steering wheel to my first responsible career.

I of course had to admit and accept interference from the parents that I was given but I could control the narrative a bit more from 5 hours away.

Yes I fell over and over again financially and made my mistakes in my career but I learned from these mistakes.  Failed in relationships more than I want to admit here but lets say I have come to enjoy and come to terms with being single.  It has great freedom as well.

I don't dwell on the past.  Yes it shaped and left a sting,  but I like to think that what I have shared and cared for over the years has sent many ripples into the lives of many.

That is very gratifying to my spirit and soul.

The inspections we should do on a quarterly or monthly of ones life should be filled with gratitude or at the very least help us steer our ship to a life of more gratitude.

I have deflected a plenty but It allows and  makes me focus on a path forward. A path of sharing and caring and making a difference whether its with a customer or client or if it is with a soul that is struggling or a complete stranger with these  shared words typed out in these online blog posts.

I share, I care and I embrace gratitude and hope.
I share, I care and I embrace a joyful guidance through faith and love from God

Don't ever paint a picture of your worth or past accomplishments on what you have not received, you yearn for things that you expect to come.  If they don't then strongly I suggest you reveal all of the souls you have touched and the ripples you have made.

Some of these things you may never ever know, but understand one thing they happened and your spirit lit the flame that Inspired another.

 Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04 / 22 /2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Daily Strides Just May Keep Us Alive

Time with our minds a journey to a better you

Each step we take forward with our mind we improve.  The best way to move forward?
Ask better questions of it.

What makes you happy?
What improvements would you want for yourself?
How would you feel if you made those improvements other than just happier?
Who other than yourself would be helped by these improvements?
Why in the past did you limit or not believe in yourself to move forward with these thoughts?

What are you daily habits that make you better?
What habits keep you from stepping forward?

Why would you not want to push forward to a better you?

Do you have goals written down?  6 months? 1 year? 3 year? Goals clearly stated?

What would happen if you took true control of your life and mediated? Or journaled? 

It starts with better questions, it continues with better self talk and it ends with small steps of success no matter how small.

The mind, your mind is a powerful asset!

It can uplift you or bring you down.

Listen to the words you speak inside your mind to your spirit.

Cut off the negative words
Cut off the people who don't serve you moving forward to your new goals.

Keep those conversations with them short, brief and move on.

Your mind is yours don't let anyone obstruct your growth or happiness.
Your spirit is yours don't let anyone devalue or marginalize you.
Your body is yours and you can make small improvements or wade and wallow in disappointment.

Your choice.  You are in control more than you know.  So start today, continue tomorrow and blaze a path toward a better tomorrow!

 Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04 /21 /2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

Even If It Is Slow - Just Grow

Tough times bring out tougher responses

A new week starts, each day for many seems the same, almost like a dream, the cycle seems to repeat.  You have to take time to realize the date, thank go for smart phones.

These times will make many stronger and many weaker if they allow it.

The daily grind, boredom, sleep in excess, water only when our body demands it.

For some it will be a time to reflect, to project new thoughts, new possibilities.

Someone will start a new business based on necessity of helping others.

On a personal note I ordered personal masks for the face from a suit designer.  They adapted.

Uber will in certain cities deliver prescriptions or groceries.  Another model delivers person to person packages in a city, a courier type service.  They adapted.

We all need to look and learn and grow.  Sitting still and following the status quo is death.

We Grow or we wither.

Passionate and motivational material is steps away on a smart phone.  The more you embrace these words of power and words for reflective growth the more it starts to change.

What a man thinks he becomes.

If you believe you can you will If you believe you can not you are right again.

We all have the same hours in a day 24
We all have the same minutes in a day 1,440
We all have the same seconds in a day  86,400

The time is ticking be happy with it.  Be creative with it.  Even when it is slow, just grow.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04 /20 /2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Until It Is Our Own

When it becomes our own then we know what true emotional pain is and what our strength is.

When a person lifts weights they often do repetitions over and over, until the muscle fails. That is how the muscles grow, rebuild and expand over time.  You lift certain muscles certain days and give them rest while you work on other parts of the muscle group of you body.  So as not to tear or injure the muscle.  Heck even one day you know you should rest and not lift at all one day a week.  Thats how you handle the pain of the no pain no gain mantra.

Imagine if you could the emotional pain of a homeless person in this crisis.  The sudden knowledge that their life just got harder.  First no real place to pan handle as we call it. You have more loss and less social interaction, less people to say thank you too.  Now your more hungry, lonely and hungry and uncertain.

You and me love certainty of course and its a human need.  It makes for a more fulfilling life.  Yes even a little uncertainty is welcome, the excitement it brings to the spirit.

But back to the homeless population.  They now have even less certainty where they have the next meal coming from and I am sure they don't welcome more uncertainty, not this type anyway.

Lonely, homeless, dazed, pain and hunger and uncertainty for what lies ahead.

Now in this pandemic there is plenty of uncertainty and confusing information is robust on the social media and even some news outlets.  But yet we will push on and find a way.

We will fill our hearts with gratitude, love, and share kindness and hope to those we love.

The homeless maintain a physical and emotional pain like few can imagine.  Yet, they are strong and some don't know but out of truly kindness of a stranger carry on.

So what does this all explain to us that gratitude, love and kindness and hope are key to a daily routine.

That self pity, hate and being mean and giving up should have no place in your desire this morning or any morning

So today and tomorrow and the next be, aware that what you have is so much more than many and say a prayer for those who have less. 

In reflection say another prayer for us all.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


Saturday, April 18, 2020

A Start to the Day

Follow your heart and your mind will create.

~Ray Wilkins

Living with passion, awaking with purpose and planning for effectiveness.  The first awareness of each morning can be the most important to the tempo of that day. This can be a moment of wonder and excitement to come or drudgery and woe to follow. The choice will be yours of course.

The meditative time of your morning is the quiet moment to listen to your spirit, to be in stillness to listen and be in the moment.  For me this moment is a way to ramp up my spirit to understand the gratitude that this day gives to me. To all of us course. 

The stillness of the morning a morning stretch of the body to work out the night and get ready to step into the day.  If you have pets, a cat or dog it is amazing to see when it awakens from slumber to watch it stretch its back or legs before it steps into the day. Why should we not?

The planning of your day the moment that says, this is my intention. The direction starts to unfold and the path becomes evident. Goals are a part of your planned events, with plenty of opportunities that will unfold, some in connection with your plan and some that will welcome learning moments to help define your day.

Your spirit and your heart and passion will develop a guidance for your day.  Listen to your passions and what stirs them and follow its lead.

Speak to the universe and let it know your intentions and dreams and the magic will come. Allow it, the universe to hear them and let it come to reality.  

The universe is full of energy, and we allow that energy to work with and some allow that energy to work against our wishes and plans.

Work with it and embrace it.

These are challenging times, the days seem to run together broken only by sunrises and sunsets.  A focus and a clear picture of your hearts desires are needed now more than ever.

Embrace this time.

A time to dream, a time to love, a time to grow and share and care and help each other.

Through these efforts during this trying season in time, we will get through this.

Embrace always, smile forever, and share united

Victor V. Yakin
