Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Daily Strides Just May Keep Us Alive

Time with our minds a journey to a better you

Each step we take forward with our mind we improve.  The best way to move forward?
Ask better questions of it.

What makes you happy?
What improvements would you want for yourself?
How would you feel if you made those improvements other than just happier?
Who other than yourself would be helped by these improvements?
Why in the past did you limit or not believe in yourself to move forward with these thoughts?

What are you daily habits that make you better?
What habits keep you from stepping forward?

Why would you not want to push forward to a better you?

Do you have goals written down?  6 months? 1 year? 3 year? Goals clearly stated?

What would happen if you took true control of your life and mediated? Or journaled? 

It starts with better questions, it continues with better self talk and it ends with small steps of success no matter how small.

The mind, your mind is a powerful asset!

It can uplift you or bring you down.

Listen to the words you speak inside your mind to your spirit.

Cut off the negative words
Cut off the people who don't serve you moving forward to your new goals.

Keep those conversations with them short, brief and move on.

Your mind is yours don't let anyone obstruct your growth or happiness.
Your spirit is yours don't let anyone devalue or marginalize you.
Your body is yours and you can make small improvements or wade and wallow in disappointment.

Your choice.  You are in control more than you know.  So start today, continue tomorrow and blaze a path toward a better tomorrow!

 Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


04 /21 /2020

1 comment:

  1. This is good advice and words of wisdom as we move forward.
