Simply stated you must step into your life from the start and it is better to start now than never.
Failure is an education and so are mistakes, learn from them and improve and move forward.
The first plane ever build failed. As did the first light bulb, the first steps of a baby usually fail. But yet the plane now flies, the light bulb lights and the baby who once fell well they run.
So should we.
Famous quote from Martin Luther King Jr.
If you can't fly then run,
If you can't run then walk,
you can't walk then crawl,
but what ever you do you
have to keep moving forward!
We all must move forward, open heart, open mind and open eyes.
Clear mind, Clear heart with clear intentions to win.
This stage in our life is all we have. Make it the best stage. For some it will be a new stage a first stage to make it happen and if they fail, the get up again, fall twice - rise twice. Fall 100 times rise 101 times.
Get it in your heart that your the one that makes your mind and body run!
Move forward, Move forward, Move forward!
This day and the next and the next and the next our yours - now what you are you gonna do with them!
Great days are ahead for you ! You have to believe to achieve!
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V. Yakin
04 / 29 / 2020
This is enlighting and encouraging.I enjoyed the writing and will be able to use the information moving forward. Thanks Vic