Saturday, April 25, 2020

Transformation of Oneself

To bring about thorough and dramatic change is to bring about transformation. 

To do this with oneself is truly life changing.

To rise from the ashes of a bad time in ones life is uplifting to hear about and empowering to one who does.  The ability to stay above the ashes, the low point in ones life is transformational.  The bottom of ones life is never pretty, it is very lonely, ugly and many times disfiguring to ones image in the mirror.

One of the keys to transformation is the ability to look beyond the mirror.  To know and understand this is not close to ones best.

To burn away all that doesn't serve you.

To burn away all feelings of lack.
To burn away all feelings of anger and hate

To burn away any feeling and habit and future cause to be forgiven for an ugly event.  To know in advance to cause harm to another in self pity of oneself.

The transformation flame is not a literal flame of course but it is a burning desire for something more.
Something better within ones spirit and soul.

Growing up in an abusive family I often prayed for transformation of my father and mother. They both created events in their one life that feed upon the others rage and hatred and lack of control.

The prayer for transformation was not answered for them but I truly believe with the help of role models outside of my family I was transformed by their best practices, their love for each other and society and I truly embraced that view of life.  Then I did my very best to live it.

We all make mistakes and I admit to mine.  That little voice inside my heart knows these facts.  The fact of the matter is we all will make a mistake.  These mistakes of massive life changing eventuality must be avoided at all costs. Some mistakes and I am grateful I never made did not harm to myself or another. Truly I give thanks that it was a road never traveled.

The transformation process begins with realization of a much higher power.  To realize we do have free will but with not the understanding of our creator and the purpose we have been placed upon this earth.  With out that understanding we will wander and stumble upon our own direction.

An example of true beauty in words about this is the Serenity Prayer as is follows in its full text.

God grant me the serenity ~ To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can; ~ And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; ~ Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; ~Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it; ~ Trusting that He will make things right
If I surrender to His Will; ~ So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him ~ Forever and ever in the next.
To understand that true transformation starts with 
that peace of mind that we have a guide a true peace sets in.
Admission is hard to accept that there is a problem here. 
Acceptance is even harder.
But we would not take the time to build a house
 on ground that was ready to sink at any time.
So it is to rebuild your foundation of life, growth, 
happiness, appreciation on a more solid ground.
I wish you well and may this day be a new beginning 
for your transformation. 

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

04 / 25 / 2020


  1. This is so true. We all need to look at ourselves more closely and in a deeper way and find the places we can improve with the help of God.

  2. This is so true. We all need to look at ourselves more closely and in a deeper way and find the places we can improve with the help of God.
