Sunday, January 8, 2017

Winter Winds demand attention when they blow ~01/08/17

Truly the wind of any season does not get our attention like the wind of a bitter cold day.  It alerts the senses, stings the face and makes the air we breathe thinner and sharp to the nose and lungs.

No truly the winter wind can get our attention.  We will turn our back on a strong winter wind its force will push us back.  But a summer wind how we will invite.

That should be a strong reason why a warm crackling fire or a blanket on our body will enhance any winter season.

So easy spring into summer the slow and steady thaw the freshness of the ground to till and plant the flowers how they bloom with colors warm and fragrant.  Spring it does a mind and body good.

But winter has it's place.  It feeds the soil with snow and ice. Without the brutal winters how as mear mortals would we appreciate and be so grateful for spring and summer.

The wind it blows but spring will blow in soon enough.

For now a mug with hot chocolate and mini marshmallows shall attract my attention.

Maybe a swift shot of brandy.

Truly a blanket and a warm family kitten or loyal dog at our side.

Winter will pass but the time with loved ones and the simple things of solitude and a flickering candle, how they will comfort and fill in for now.

Smiles to you this winter night

May your candle burn bright

Victor V. Yakin

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