Saturday, January 7, 2017

Seven days in ....... ~01/07/17

Seven days in, how are you doing?  This year have you been kinder to yourself?  This year have you been more grateful?  This year have you loved one another and treated others the way you would like?  This year have you defined success and what it would feel like when you reached it?  This year have you promised to be living in the now and forget yesterday and tomorrow be patient for?

Why not?

Seven questions above and they are there to read again if you wish.

Why not be kinder to yourself?
Why not be more grateful?
Why not love one another?
Why not treat others they way you want to be treated?
Why not define success so that you can reach it and live a life like Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote?
Why not live in the now?
Why no forget about yesterday's slip ups and tomorrow's worries?

This is day seven after all and there is a quote that says there are seven days and "someday" is not one of them.

So your new year is one week old, maybe just maybe you gave yourself seven YES's that would be awesome

But even four would be over 50%!

But if you said no to all seven maybe just maybe you should ponder the next question.

What if,  I could say yes to all seven?

Just a thought and some questions

Have a smile on me and have a great week number 2!

Victor V Yakin

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