Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Day Before

The sun rises in the eastern sky and for about 12 hours or so shines and warms our day.  It does it job as it was created to do, the moon who rules the other 12 hours or so does its job and on it goes with no designed changes and on and on it goes.  Day after day..... no day better than the day before.

We rise each day with 86,400 seconds in the day, we have the choices to be better than the day before.

Be better.

To choose happiness instead of sadness.
To choose design of your day instead of just allowing another to design it for you.

Choose to be better

To choose to spread joy instead of misery
To choose to send out love instead of hate

Choose to be better

We all have the same amount of time, so time is not the problem.  What is the challenge in life is what we do with that time.  So to design your day to be better than the day before is perhaps the single most focus we can begin each day with aside from waking up with gratitude.

With gratitude as the frame work of our morning and day and the desire and choice to become better than the day before what indeed could become of you with those to pillars of change in your new day.

So choose to be better
Choose to share a smile
Choose to laugh when you stumble.
Choose to learn from a failure
Choose to trust and have hope

Choose love, you do that how can you deprive yourself of a chance to be better than the day before.

So on with your day this is it!

Be better than the day before, the clock is running, seize the moment

Sharing positive energy and sending some your way

Victor Yakin

It is possible and it is a choice

Be better than yesterday

Don't waste your life 

time is precious

Choose to be grateful

focus on today

trust in yourself to be better

better than the day before

and always choose to smile
and share a smile

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