We all fall down but its the grace from our creator that helps us rise again from the ashes.
Rise from burnt and used fuel, empty from the pain but yet grace gives us that spark that allows our fire to burn again.
The most common problem with falling down, failing another and stumbling in broad daylight is understanding that truly we need to forgive ourselves, forgive our transgressions but learn from them.
Don't repeat just walk away and learn from the fall.
So to summarize
You will fall
You will learn
You will stumble and create a mess but learn from and allow yourself to heal
Ask for forgivness and let it go
Treat others with love and care as you would want to be treated
The golden rule is always the best.
Move forward and understand that grace will make you whole.
Don't allow yourself to be hard on yourself, you learned from the fall, you scraped and bled a bit, no bandage it up and forgive yourself.
You are meant to be awesome
You are meant to be happy so be happy
You are meant to be a give of smiles and joy and love so give freely to others but by all means please give smiles and joy and love to yourself.
You deserve it and it is so much easier to be kind to others when your kind to self.
Love freely
Live with joy
Dream big
Sharing and caring
Victor Yakin
learn and become whole again
love and forgive
Arise and learn to get back up after your fall
learn from it
but rise again
Be proud of who you are
be better than what you were
become the best you can be
Love with passion
Live with joy
Smile for yourself
and share with others
Sharing a smile with you this day and everyday
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