Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The 3 P's that can move mountains

Find yourself in front of a mountainous problem?  There are many ways around the mountain, tunnel through it, climb it or go around it.  None of them are easy but life is not easy.

Sometimes you just have to dig deep in your spirit and mind and ask the mountain to move, to move your spirit to become enlightened by the shear size of the problem.

We learn from struggles, if we had no struggle we could never appreciate our success's.

So let the problem and the mountain move you to find a way past it and find your path.

P #1 Perseverance

To have a steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

To never give up or give in.... to keep going and find a way to succeed no matter what.

Delays happen

Difficulties happen

But with them come an education, and the feeling of a job well done when we succeed.

P#2  Patience

To have and allow the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Stay strong

Stay happy and grateful

With all patience comes the truth and the way.

P#3  Power

To have the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

To have the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.

The power within you to direct, influence and alter our behavior to push on 

The power within to persevere and keep pushing on
The power to be patient no matter the delay or the struggle but to keep pushing and moving forward.

Three p's none better than the other, none more important.

May this day be filled with power

May this day be filled with patience
May this day you become filled with perseverance.

Push on -- dream on -- find a way to make a way 

and don't forge to love along the journey

Sharing good energy for you and others

Victor Yakin


love what you do
dream what you dream
push on and find the way

don't give up
keep going

Stay focused on your gratitude and love 

and above all 

Keep smiling and sharing them along the way 

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