Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 2010 Repost Enjoy Happy Wednesday : )

Happy Wednesday everyone and welcome to another great day, 86,400 seconds of joy, happiness, challenges sure but face them with a smile. Face each day as a gift, a gift your ready to remove the gift wrapping from to see whats inside.

We all have that ability you know, the ability to start each day with quiet meditation, prayer and a simple affirmation like some of these:

The article that I found gives a great list and some positive ideas about how to start to focus on a more positive thought than the constant negative states that we can fall into with out even knowing.

So my wish for you today is this:

That you take the time to place your self in a still quiet place each morning.

You take that time no matter how brief to meditate and/or pray.

You use some positive affirmations like the few found above to more actively flow good thoughts and ideas into your inner beliefs.

Ok, yeah your right thats three wishes, but hey your worth it! We all are worth three wishes. So take the time to focus on how you start your day. 86,400 seconds and yes its running just as fast for me as it does for you. Make the most of it.

A couple of quotes to ponder today, just don't spend to much time on this alone:

But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day. ~Benjamin Disraeli


Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.

Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~Carl Sandburg

So enjoy today, enjoy your moments and

have a great Wednesday.

Till next time.....Smile and share one with another, and another.

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