Tuesday, April 14, 2015

3 H's and 1 L

So many of us watch the news and just shake our head at the needless violence, needless anger and hate put out for all of us to see.

We hate the news and we despise not being able to change the nightly news cast and the doom and gloom it brings to our world.

But in the end we choose how these stories affect us and how the world goes on with its daily business.

However we have some choices on how we look and react to the daily news and the hate we stumble across.

The first H


I love the movie Have a Little Faith and the last line in the movie that is quoted below

- Mitch Albom from Have a little faith

O to be in love with hope, to never give up and never give in.  To always root for the underdog no matter what the odds and not matter what the score.

To always awake in the morning giving thanks and having the faith to carry on and hope for a better day that yesterday.

To have hope that your sickness will leave your body.
To have hope that your loved one will always love you back and always be there when needed.
To have hope that your efforts and knowledge that your children obtained for you was and is enough.
To have hope that your child in the military will make it home safe from a land so far away.

I am indeed also in love with hope.

The second H


A beautiful person is a person with a good heart; if you have a good heart,
there is now way you can ever be ugly.

Not always does the beauty queen win on looks alone, many times it is about their compassion and their heart that matters most.

The heart to carry on when the road gets steep and rocky.
The heart to care about another soul when you hardly even know them.
The heart to do something nice for someone less fortunate and not look for anything in return

Heart a asset like not other.  I would rather have someone with less knowledge and common sense but a ton of heart that a smart and genius heartless spirit.

They seldom win in the long road and long journey but they do win from time to time.

Don't ever play their game, move up to a higher plan and know that the heart and the spirit will always triumph over sadness and deep stress that some carry with them way to often and way to long.

The third H


Surround yourself with those who make you happy

If we could always choose that path and guess what we can.  IF someone is draining your energy and will you need to protect your number one asset and that is you.

Yes you deserve and need to be happy.  Today and tommorrow and always.

Live happily
Dream happily
Walk with happy steps
Love with happy moments that make you feel love in return.

Don't walk away from happiness
Run towards it and embrace the joy and the wonderous oppurtunities every where you look to be happy and grateful!

The One L

I know you probably think it is the obvious and that is love but I think that goes with the heart from above.  So the L what is it?


You can't deny laughter;  when it comes it plops
down in your favorite chair and
stays as long as it wants.

- Stephen King

O to laugh to enjoy the heartiness of it and to have tears roll from your eyes, your stomach hurt and your day just gave you a blessing with laughter as its prime star.

A day with out any laughter is wasted.

To laugh so hard that all your worries are freed and all your illness for that moment are healing.

so there you have it 

3 awesome H's
and one joyous L

May your carry them in your heart today and everyday

Victor Yakin

Choose hope Always

Always choose to express yourself from your heart
nuture your heart
protect your heart
and be grateful that you have the heart 

Choose happiness always

and always always always 

make time to smile along the way

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