Thursday, September 8, 2011

From your Gratitude the flame burns brighter

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by
a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to
think with deep gratitude of those
who have lighted the flame within us.”
~Albert Schweitzer

I truly try to be that spark for you.  To be that light in the morning, to inspire, to bring about a smile, a better understanding of the power of the smile, simple kindness.  

That is my intention and I am grateful to God above for you the reader to taking the time to take it in.
It is sort of a partnership of sorts.  All the light in the world will not work if we always want to stay in the darkness and isolate ourselves from others.
It can hurt being part of the human race, sometimes what we expect from those we are close to is not what we get.
The phrase 'it always seems those closest to us seem to hurt us the most' is often heard but in fact it need not be that way.
Establish your values, your values and stick to them.  Don't let another determine what is important to you and try to redefine you. That is not love, that is control.
Establish your esteem, what you think about yourself is critical to what your perception is about another.  You must never let another person try to define your worth or value. If they don't love you unconditionally then it was never really love at all.
Place upon your heart the desire to improve and reevaluate yourself.  Daily we should look at written goals that we have established for our life.  Goals are the road map for achievement.
We are either growing in life or dying with life.
Everyday we change, we must be grateful for that fact, for without change we would be already dead and starting to decay.
Live, laugh, love and learn a little bit more each day.
Smile each day, laugh each day and do something nice for another each day.  When we put out these emotions and actions, they will return.
Should we put out ingratitude, hate, anger, common sense says it will return, and time after time we can see it with another that it does return often effecting more than just that person. It effects the lives of those around them.
Be that light, that spark, that candle in the wind.
Be grateful for what has been given to you.  Even if you have a little understand that you really have more than enough.
Gratitude Tip for Today
Truly look for another person who walks into your life who just may be in need of a kind word, a word of encouragement, a smile.
When you find that person, share with that spark that will brighten and enlighten not only them but will strengthen you.

Smiles sent your way   :  )
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