Happy Monday a new day and a start to a new work week! May all your dreams become a reality and may all your plans become be clearly defined.
This is the day that many people dread, not me of course buy many stumble out of bed and say oh no not another Monday.
Why? Conditioning perhaps, a learned habit from their past and others on t.v. it just seems right to feel that way to them. Almost a bragging right. But it does not have to be that way.
This past weekend was Hall of Fame weekend as far as the Pro Football Hall of Fame and its induction ceremony. I watched many of the speeches and for me I found Deion Sanders to have the most moving.
He spoke about his dream and goal to make enough in football that his mother would never have to work another day in her life. His whole dream was to be successful and paid enough to accomplish that goal and he linked much to every move he made on and off the field.
His dream came true and know his career and his dream have lead him to the Hall of Fame with other great football players and coaches.
His quote that I use today I hope will carry you through your day, your week and beyond.
The quote from his speech:
The problem is with some dreams,
the dreams are only about you.
If you're dream ain't bigger than you,
there's a problem with your dream.
Dreams have to be clearly defined and have action to them. I heard recently that a dream with out action is just daydreaming. Very true.
Dreams have to be about more than just you, they have to be about as he stated so well bigger than you.
Life is about making a difference.
Life is about sharing and caring.
Love is a human need and desire that without another person involved in that love, we feel empty.
To be touched in our spirit and body.
To be heard and feel significance.
To be able to care and be cared about in our world.
Very important parts of our day to day existence.
So today after your morning stretch. Your morning prayer to God above. Your morning coffee and breakfast, take the time to dream with the purpose of making a difference. Not just for yourself but for others.
The bigger the dream that revolves around more than you, the more you just may want to see it through.
Dream big!
Plan now!
Take action always!
Love forever!
Have a great day everyone ......
Smiles to you this day and everyday! : )
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