Happy Wednesday to you and may your day feel cool even though it will be quite hot. May the kindness of another persons smile give comfort even in extreme heat.
Do you ever notice when discomfort of a very hot day tempers seem to flare along with the heat. Some of us just seem allow mother nature to dictate our happiness. We should always know that the weather or any outside influence should never allow us to be sad, depress or angry. The love and gratitude inside of us should be telling us this day is a gift and I am taking this day with appreciation.
Sounds simple right..... It really is, so let your smile shine today and allow your genuine kindness of spirit to help another persons day.
Wednesday is a day that tells everyone we are halfway through the week. A day that spells for many another day closer to the weekend.
So as part of Wednesdays new format for this post I want to share how we can and should handle any adversity that may come up in our life. How we can turn it around and learn to feel inspiration instead of desperation. On this day I have set it aside to inspire you and to help you overcome and focus on a more positive outcome.
This quote will start us out on the subject of handling adversity:
I thank God for my handicaps, for,
through them, I have found myself,
my work, and my God.
- Helen Keller
We all have handicaps, we all have trials and all have been tested. That to me is life. Because should we have no tests in life to face my belief is we would learn little and live less.
It is how we react to these trials and tests in life.
It is how we learn from these aspects that indeed make us stronger or helps us to become better people in our families and community.
We could never learn to be brave and patient if
there were only joy in the world.
Keep in mind the next time you fall into that woe is me and become tested that life happens but it is what we allow to happen through us that makes all the difference.
A great video link that you should view when you have the time.
Quadriplegic Motivational Speaker - Bill Cawley
Our attitude makes all the difference, it is as Bill speaks critical to how we live and learn from life.
We all do indeed face challenges.
Share your smile and share your story. But most of all share your love.
If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant:
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,
prosperity would not be so welcome.
~Anne Bradstreet
Smiles sent to you this day : )
Enjoy the day ...
Make ME Smile Online
Make ME Smile Online
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Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference
The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !
Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference
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