A very happy Tuesday to you all ! Stay cool as much of the country is under a heat advisory. Stay indoors if possible, drink lots of water and think cool thoughts if you must. Stay cool tempered and share that smile. This too shall pass, it always does.
Today my son Troy has surgery on his wisdom teeth, his wisdom teeth are impacting against his back teeth, just the bottom two thank goodness. But if you can send up a prayer he will be going under anesthesia and a local Novocain and this should all happen around 9:30 am. He should be back to normal in a couple days. So in advance thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers. :)
Todays post is about taking charge in the area of your life, your thoughts and your actions. These thoughts and actions are all yours and no matter what another person suggests or intends for you should not matter, what other people think or want for you is not their choice its yours.
First a quote:
"It is a painful thing to look at your
own trouble and know that
you yourself and no one else has made it.
~ Sophocles
True enough!
This world always seems to play the blame game.
We blame the President for the countries debt and poor decisions. Yes they are his poor choices and all but did he really start the ball rolling or was it many administrations prior and other parts of the government as well.
We blame juries for the lack of a conviction for allowing Casey Anthony to go free. But then we never ask or blame the families and friends for no questioning where is your daughter for over a month. It takes many to allow a crime this heinous to become a reality. Many people looking the other way and not making a conscious choice to get involved. Prosecution had their role in the juries decision as well.
We love to blame but the old saying that when you point a finger at another your pointing four more back at yourself holds true.
Taking control of your thoughts and actions and taking responsibility that they are all yours, is the first step in having a bountiful harvest from your 'garden of thoughts' that I spoke about Sunday and Monday.
“When you blame others, you give up your power to change.”
So don't blame another for choices that were ultimately yours. Not everything that happen should affect us of course. There is little we can do about the 'debt ceiling' or 'Casey Anthony' they are both outside our circle of influence. But we can vote and contact our Senator or Congressman. We can make sure our children and family now that we love them and care about their safety and well being.
These things we can choose to control.
“When we have begun to take charge of our lives, to
own ourselves, there is no longer any
need to ask permission of someone.”
~George O’Neil
The only permission we should seek is from our own conscious.
“Make the best use of what is in your power, and
take the rest as it happens.”
Indeed..... make the best use of your energy, thoughts and power.
We can continue tomorrow but for now I wish you the very best and smiles sent your way.
Have a great day : )
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