Happy Thursday to you all!
Smiles sent your way, this day and everyday.
I truly wish that:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
~ Old Irish Blessing
This day each week I want to share with you the importance of being thoughtful towards each other.
Taking the time to make a difference and share the fact that kind people do exist on this planet.
I love that old irish blessing, I really do.
May the road rise up to meet you -- What a kind thing huh, the road we travel, each and every step. May the road rise up to meet your steps. Notice it leaves little room for the bottom to drop out, or you to step off a short cliff but its there to support and help you. Rising up to meet you.
Sort of like what I do each morning, rising up from my sleep to share a few words, to inspire and to reach out and send a sincere smile.
May the wind always be at your back -- Gently or with force it really does not matter much. Sometimes we need a strong wind at our back to sort of push us forward during tough times. But the wind, pushing you forward not slowing you down with a head on gail force. Taking you to a better place, a new place the wind providing the comfort.
My wind to me is my writing, I enjoy this probably more than you perhaps. Its a automatic writing that I thank the good Lord above for the inspiration and the thoughts that flow so effortlessly. I am very grateful for the ability to just let it come out onto the screen of my computer. Gratitude for my gentle and sometimes pushing wind at my back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face -- Nothing like the warm sun shining down. Warmth almost like the hand of an angel saying today is going to be awesome, keep pushing, don't give up. Feel what God has created for all of us. The warm touch of another is awesome, that love of a good friend or a partner how great it is to receive a hug, or a pat on the back. So is the warmth of the sun above easily reaching down to touch our body and our spirit with warmth.
I believe it our not here tend to love the warmth of a hug, or a pat on the back. I believe that to share a hug with someone is perhaps one of the best things that another person can freely give and yet has so much value.
And rains fall soft upon your fields -- Perhaps a little reference to the fields of a farmer, bringing much needed water to his crop. A more inspirational way to look at a rain that falls softly on our fields of decision and harvest of our actions. Rain is very important and by rain I mean it nourishes our world. We love water and in fact much of our content as a human is water and our planet is filled with it, so my thoughts here that any soft rain in the literal sense is very important to our survival. In the non literal manner rain can be the tears of life, some slight alter of course or something else that needs attention. But make no mistake may any of these fall softly in your life, or on your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand -- A sincere wish that you allow God to hold you in the palm of his hand. To comfort, to protect, to secure each step and action that you take.
God is very important in my life. I do stumble at times, oh heck lets be honest I stumble everyday in some fashion. But I know that I have God to give me everything that I need to carry on, to share love, to be kind in a sometimes unkind world. I pray daily, I listen in meditation and I hope that the road always rises to meet me.
Sure I watch for those pot holes of life, they happen more than I ever want but if your prepared and thoughtful to God and his creations. Gentle and kind, to all that God created no matter what the race, sexual orientation, political affiliation, belief in a higher power or not, then you have much of what this Irish Blessing has.
We are one world, full of imperfections mainly because we allow the imperfections to multiply and create havoc. But the imperfections of life should never impede our desire to make a difference.
And that is my wish and thoughtful words for you today.
Smile on and share one along your journey today : )
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