Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Walking Through Wednesday *New* ~July 13, 2011

A very happy Wednesday to you and yours! : )
Wednesday a day for many that signifies the halfway point to the weekend.  A day that gives a sense of relief that the hard part of the week is over. Now by now you understand my thoughts on what any day should be as far as our perception, but lets review shall we. LOL.
The quote I used last week summarizes the truth about how we should act each and everyday.  Our belief is based on our perceptions.  So if we believe our day in and day out life is full of hardship and adversity then our perception will bring this to life.
Thats as simple as it gets folks.
So as part of Wednesdays new format for this post I write it around adversity in which we at many times feel but many more times we have created.  On Wednesday I set aside this day to inspire you to overcome and focus on a more positive outcome.
This quote will start us out on the subject of adversity:

We have no right to ask when sorrow
comes, "Why did this happen to me?"
unless we ask the same question for every
moment of happiness that comes our way.
~Author Unknown

So much good happens in this world, from the time we wake up the true spirit of gratitude in ones life should/must kick in and the reality of what we have should dominate our minute by minute thoughts.
This video shows some real people dealing with real adversity I hope you enjoy it and store it to help you when your thinking about your adversities.

The verse from Hebrews 10 23-25 at the end speaks volumes to me it reads:
....And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,
not neglecting to meet together .... but encouraging one another.
The world of the Internet has brought many of us together in the sense of sharing thoughts, sharing our feelings, sharing our beliefs.
But the most important interaction is the one face to face, smile to smile, laughter shared, Love of life revealed in our daily walk that is visible to anyone and everyone.
Life has its jagged stones along the pathway but when you look closely there is always a way to walk on the smoothest of stones.
That is dealing with adversity.
When you keep walking, you will move ahead.
When you keep working through things you will find a solution.
When we don't quit we will win.
Its all in your belief.
Your beliefs lead to our perceptions
Your perceptions lead to you reality.
And my belief is that the power of the human spirit can and will overcome!
Smiles sent to you this day : )
Enjoy the day ...

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