Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Wish on Wednesday ~03/30/11

A very happy Wednesday to you all. Cold weather is prevailing here in the Pittsburgh area but there is much more challenging weather across the country today. But spring is here and each day we are moving into a warmer and much kinder time.

The wish for everyone today the ability to have peace in troubled times, joy when sorrow strikes, hope when despair hangs around and a smile when you have none.

My quotes for today:

Courage doesn't always roar.

Sometimes courage is the quiet voice

at the end of the day saying,

"I will try again tomorrow."

- Mary Anne Radmacher


"Getting over a painful experience is

much like crossing monkey bars.

You have to let go at some point in order to move forward."

~ Unknown

Moving on is perhaps the toughest thing in life, fear, worry and uncertainty about the next step sometimes makes us feel that staying put may just be a bit safer.

Like going into the cocoon is better than breaking free and flying into new territory is a bad thing we huddle and hunker down in misery. Why?

Why is misery and solace and despair so acceptable in anyones life?

Why is the mundane ok and possibility feared?

Why when we know the past does not equal the future not just a mantra but a fact do we hole up in some dark cave of life instead of pushing forward into the light.

First and foremost we take the easy way out. We have pity on ourselves and dread more failure by moving forward is another.

Remember that failure is nothing more than an education.

Failure is not just a possibility in life its a reality with life.

Failure is and always has been followed by success.

One of my favorite videos, enjoy:

and this one....with the watch:

So my wish for you today if and when you have failure in your life you won't freeze in the midst of it. But walk through with the diploma that you have just received and education. You graduated with honors at that task and you understand that the past does not equal the future.

Imagine those greats of yesterday if they had listened to the voices that said your not going to make it.

One last video that we should all do to ourselves each day, the voice we should hear coming first from inside then louder and audible on the outside:

Have a great Wednesday and let this wish become real

Become greatness

Enjoy life

Breathe joy

Share a smile, first with yourself then with another : )

Prayers and smiles always sent your way!

Have a great week everyone!

My Wednesday wish for you this day.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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