Happy Tuesday to you all! The weather was awesome Monday here in western PA. Sunny, a little breezy and just a very spring like day was had here. Awesome! A gratitude attitude was an easy thing yesterday. It is not always that easy of course.
Some look at the sunny side of the street and some look and worry about the shadows.
Some look at the day with dread and worry about what could happen and others go into the day with expectation of greatness and new adventure.
Which are you?
What do you look for when things are challenging in your life.
Life is never easy, Life is not always blue sky and clear sailing.
There are waves that give you that rough ride.
There are winds that push you back.
There are down pours of rain that can flood your world.
But in the end its how we use the wave, albeit a surf board or body surf. How we use the wind whether we go in the direction of the wind or fly a kite high in the air. Do we collect the rain to water our flowers on a dry day, or do we enjoy the rain like a child dancing through puddles. All kids seem to revel in that type of activity during any rainstorm, its us adults who seem to look at each puddle with contempt.
Dance in those puddles. Fly that kite up high. Play a game with the wind and rain.
That my dear friend is the Gratitude Attitude. It is looking at each shade of gloom in a bright vibrant way as you would look at beauty.
86,400 seconds in your day, my day, what do you choose for the way you look at each passing second.
With joy, and wonder? The only way in my opinion.
Now before you wonder too long is this guy for real, is his life always flowers and sunshine, dancing in puddles and playing in the wind. Let me up front and honest.....
Sorry didn't mean to let you down here, I have moments of worry, fear, and plenty of challenges. Do you remember that full plate wrote about a couple days ago. The one where I curved the edges up so they, my challenges, don't go leaping off the plate.
Yeah I have my share, it is to be human to have problems and challenges.
But in the long of it all, I look at the world with wonder, and possibility. With love not hate. Joy not sadness. A smile, not a frown. Sure I am not a clown or the joker from Batman who walks with an unceasing smile. But in my heart and my soul I love life.
I love what I have and that is the Gratitude Attitude.
Love what you have.
Live the way you truly want.
Laugh some, have deep thought some and cry some each day.
Whether the cry are from pure laughter which I recommend or from a something that moves you to tears let your emotion be so led each day. We all should have the luck to be emotionally moved to tears it cleanses and purifies our spirit.
Play some each day.
Dream some each day.
Share some of your love each day.
Make a difference allow some ones life to breathe a little easier because you have lived each day.
Smiles sent your way this day and always!
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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