Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Mojo Mantra ~03/21/11

A very happy Monday to you! The first full day of spring and they all said amen! LOL Soon, very soon flowers will be in bloom and gardens will be turned over. Do you garden? How big of a garden? I am going to try my hand a container gardening, my soil here is very hard and clay consistency so we are going to try that this year. Has anyone done this type of gardening if so tell me your secret.

So much on our plates, well I guess I can at the very least speak for myself my plate is so full I had to get a bowl. LOL.

Yesterday was a very sunny day, I went to the lake that me and Janice was married some 5 1/2 months ago and just soaked it all in. Janice was working and the kids were chilling out with the dogs and Xbox so I went by myself. Had some errands to run as well but this lake can just put you into a quiet and peaceful mode.

It is great to meditate somewhere quiet but yet have the site of ducks and geese, people walking, holding hands, fishing, sharing and caring for each other. Enjoyed it and let my mind wonder and ponder.

The word ponder stuck with me so I did some research.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines it as:

To weigh in the mind, to think upon, reflect on. To think or consider especially quietly, soberly and deeply.

Yeah that was me yesterday.

My main job in life as I pondered that I get no pay for is a member of society, the human race. My next a parent of two wonderful kids, who depend on me for direction, love and nurture. Much like a garden they need the essentials for course but the most important is love.

Next on the plate is a husband, a partner, a lover. One who communicates, bends, listens, and works to supply more than the essentials.

As I pondered and looked at my roles I asked my self slowly, do I do enough? Enough listening, loving, communicating ? Do I turn the soil of life over enough make sure its soft and not full of clay?

Is the soil of life soft and toiled enough for me?

No, it really does not matter how much our soil is toiled, in the end we have the resolve and ability to get through just about anything.

We are a country built by men and women not just of one nationality but by one spirit, under God and with the liberty to create and make things that don't

So this Monday, the first full day of spring go out into your day and create, share in the magic of a simple sincere smile, a kind gentle word and love one another. Make a difference in this day and in someones life!

Thats my Monday MOJO Mantra!

Enjoy your week and say a prayer for those hurting and if you can give to the cause of those in Japan please do!

Play Hard, Stay Foolish and Stay Hungry!

Smiles sent your way today and everyday!

Happy Monday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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