Good day everyone and a very happy Wednesday to you! Here is my wish for you this week:
That you stop by my last Wednesday Post here on kinda liked how it flowed of my fingers and only 36 of you got to read just kidding, no I'm not, yes I am seriously if you get the time. Anyway on with this weeks post.
My post is embodied by this phrase that was hatched from a lecture I once heard. The phrase is
Success is easy to do but easy not to do because of neglect.
The meaning here is simple but yet so many trudge through life making little difference because of neglect in the actions they need to do.
It is such a foundational principle that when we neglect a principle like this over time we have wasted a large portion of life but even a larger portion of possibility.
We all know that a smile has many powerful reflective powers. When we give one, genuine and sincere one almost always comes back to us and we change and so does the person we sent that smile to. Change for a second or change of course for a little longer change happens. Easy to do..... but ... easier not to do.
We all know the reasons we married our spouse, their kindness, intelligence, strength, so many attributes we can all list but if words are the only attention you give to her/him then over time neglect sets in and the only thing they truly wanted was actions and love. Sure it is easy to do, show love, open that door, give that extra kiss with an extra touch but it is easy not to do. Neglect can be just as powerful perhaps more so and over time you wonder why the relationship became boring maybe your actions built up the wall.
We all see children playing, laughing, growing in life and yet something becomes a miss. A role model in the form of a famous singer pop star, an athlete what about the mother or father becoming the hero for a change. Giving that extra hug whether they want it or not. Spending that extra second to walk together or talk together sharing quality time and energy molding a young mind. Then after all of that attention maybe your child will label you their hero and bend your way like a new found flower leans into the sunshine. So easy to do but easy not to do.
We all see our country rolling along, promises made by leaders that we seem to fall for again and again. But yet when time comes to vote we stay at home, or pull a lever just because. I have heard reasons like, I liked his name, or his religion, or his look but what does his name or better yet the man truly stand for. We get upset when we send children off to war and even more upset when they come back injured or worse but yet we allow the leaders to lead us into more conflicts. We have homelessness and hunger here on our homeland. We have crime and illiteracy among us in alarming increase yet we weaken our nation by fighting other peoples wars.
So easy to do ..... but ..... so easy not to do.
I know I probably ranted a little to long today, but I felt this message bubbling in my spirit. So I just typed it out. So easy not to do just leave it on the inside and carry on with my day but I found for me, it was easier just to do and send it out to you.
Prayers and smiles always sent your way!
Have a great week everyone!
My Wednesday wish for you this day.
May your smiles abound.
May your joy lift another spirit.
May you stay hungry and stay foolish!
May your heart be warmed because it always was.
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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