Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts ~11/14/2010

Happy Sunday to you all! I wish you all the very best this Sunday. Lets put it this way I hope for your Sunday best to shine through today.

The phrase your Sunday best, I remember growing up and hearing others say always wear your Sunday best to church. I knew that meant your best clothes, the sharpest neatly pressed pants and shirt and tie.

But what does that really do for the spirit, does it neatly press it?

Does the tie make the heart softer or does it only choke you up and put your shoulders back?

My prayers are lifted up each day with thanks and praise that I have been given another day to share, to care and to love. Many times in my younger years I remember asking for things from God. But if we ask with a fervency are we not in a way questioning what God intends for us. Does God not always want to give his children, his creations the best? If we truly believe that our Sunday best should be our praise and worship not the clothes on our back.

Our Sunday Best should be the deeds, and efforts we give, the honor and praise we give in our life. The threads that we wear are just our coverings and mean nothing more than a fake smile we use to just get by or the drink we drink to take the edge off while the problem still festers away.

A video by Jeff Black the words are truly worth the listen:

Let your Sunday best shine from the heart

not from the sleeve.

A poem I share here with you now. I pray you live it often.

An Inspirational Poetry

Live….laugh…and Love

By John McLeod

Live well dear friends

In all you do,

Tho' paths be old

Or paths be new,

But to yourself

Be ever true,

Live well!

Laugh often friends

Tho' passing years

Bring, sometimes, smiles

And, sometimes, tears,

For mirth forever

Warms and cheers

Laugh often!

Love much dear friends

For love will bring

The healing joy

And hope of Spring,

Where pain and fear may never dwell

Nor anguish touch….

And so Live well,

Laugh often too,

And more, dear friends,

Love much!

Just a few words today, they will be nothing more than screen filler if we just read them with no conviction or duty. My thoughts and prayers are that we talk the talk but that on Sunday and everyday we walk the walk.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Sunday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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