Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday 11/02/10

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to another great day! A day, that I like to start in gratitude. A note for today, please don't forget to vote today, make your vote count don't let it sit at home idle.

Today, I want to encourage all of you to start a gratitude journal.

It can be as simple as a notebook, hard binder with notebook paper or a 3 subject that you can use for three months.

In fact you could use a tablet and I want you to jot down these five statements or questions that you can answer every day you do the gratitude entry in your journal.

Top line: Date, Weather, My morning mood or evening mood and what about my mood do I want to change right now. (if your feeling great, and I am sure you are, you don't want to change your mood at all right?)

Second line: What am I grateful for right now?

Third line: People I have on my mind today are:

Fourth line: Heartfelt thoughts I will share today and with who:

Fifth line: My goal to make a difference today/this week is:

The goal of a journal is fold. First to write and share your thoughts.

Second to leave behind for your family your thoughts, feelings and dreams.

Lastly to plan for a better today and tomorrow and to encourage you to make a difference. To make this world a bit better. To know that one life has breathed a bit easier because you have lived.

Coming soon and in design now will be the Make ME Smile gratitude journal. It will be on sale soon just in time for the new year. It will contain 3 months of activity and I hope to provide it for you soon. So watch for that in December 2010.

Just a reminder I do provide an Avon Store Online. You can register at www.youravon.com/vyakin . Some of you on Facebook have already ordered and I do thank you. My theme on Make ME Smile Online is GIFT AVON NOW and don't forget to gift something for yourself. Shipping is free on orders over 30$ .

So I hope your day is blessed and filled with gratitude.

I hope your smile can light up a room and maybe just maybe it lights up the path for someone who needs it the most.

*******Vic's Entry for Nov. 02, 2010********

Today is Tuesday. The weather here in Irwin is under 30 degree's and my mood right now is excited and hopeful for another great day. Today I vote! Not because its the right thing to do but because I want to use my right to do it. My voice is heard daily my vote is cast today.

I am grateful right now: For my wife, she always gives me that smile and shares some part of her that brightens up my already bright day. She is indeed my better half. I love her for that.

People I have on my mind today: My son and daughter both who I love dearly. My sister in Georgia, I will give her a call to see how she is feeling. Customers at work that I have coming today to pick up their new truck. Yeah me and yeah for them too.

The heartfelt thoughts I will share today and with who: My wife, already told her I love her but I feel behind on that today. Will let her know again real soon. My daughter, the new candy store owner, LOL wow that bad had to be heavy. She will get a random I love you not today on her cell phone and pillow.

My goal for today to make a difference: Share kind words only, if I have a bad or sad thought I will ignore it or keep it to myself. I will also make a mental note and plan to look for 3 people who not only seem to need a kind word but a smile to go with it. I will share both with them today. Results will be great!

So your turn! Start your day out with gratitude flowing.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Tuesday everyone! : ) Don't forget to vote!!!!!!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.



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