Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Wish on Wednesday ~09/08/10

A Happy Wednesday to you today with a wonderful wish for you today and everyday, may it flow to you with ease. May my wish that I share be so close to your source and spirit that it comes with ease and simplicity.

There has been much talk and writing about the term 'automatic writing'.

The practice or shared writings that seem to just flow almost effortlessly across the screen or page, with quick and gentle fingers typing across the keyboard words and idea's that the writer almost has little deep thought or contemplation. Thus the writing is automatic and swift.

Believe it!

Almost any time that I go back and review my posts, I find a sense of wonder as if my thoughts are 'what was the writer thinking as he wrote this' then I understand that the writer is me or was I just the typist? I feel very grateful and humble that I a 'top of mind thinker' is being used to inspire, give a laugh or a chuckle, share a smile and employ the importance of making a difference and having a serving heart.

Today is part 4 of six in my Circle of Self Theory and today is the:

The Love Circle ~ love of ourselves, the act of being loved and the love of family.

Now, when I speak of the love of ourselves I am not talking about the self absorbing love that comes from vanity or a highly driven ego. It is healthy to be able to look in the mirror and have a sense of 'wow, I look great today`and feel great today' that kind of love is a form of self talk and can lift your spirit and raise your sights for the day.

I am writing and encouraging the deep love of oneself that is so closely driven from the source, God and our inner spirit. The kind of love that so many seem to lack. Why?

Why do we hurt in silence and deprive ourselves of this deep love of self?

Why for each of us the answer is within, sometimes unspoken but there none the same.

The solution, prayer, understanding, self evaluation of values.

Our values and beliefs often are the energy that allows us to love ourselves.

When we value God and faith we value the creator of life and down the line love for self his creation.

When we value family, our spouses, our love and values flow more freely and are more easily understood.

A quote about love:

“Love is the expression of one's values, the greatest reward you can earn for the moral qualities you have achieved in your character and person, the emotional price paid by one man for the joy he receives from the virtues of another.”

~Avn Rand

I like to look at the word Love as Lift One's Value Eternally

When we lift our values, we allow our self, our spirit to love ourselves.

Don't focus on the past which got you to where are now.

Focus on the value that will take you forward.

Values of that instill growth and harmony.

Faith, Family, Optimism, Joy, Kindness.

Love a word with so many meanings and directives.

Love and a quote here that I share here a little humor to boot:

“Know yourself. Don't accept your dog's admiration

as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.”

~Ann Landers

Sending you smiles and love and a wish your way!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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