Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday Theory 09/09/10

Happy Thursday everyone may your day be a terrific Thursday full of joy, happiness and love!

Today is part 5 of the Circle of Self Theory. Six different circles stacked upon each other 3 wide and 2 high, interwoven and each depending on each other for a meaningful and happy life.

The circles to review:

The top row going left to right

The Spiritual Circle ~ our faith, our beliefs and our spirit self.

The Intellectual Circle ~ our knowledge both learned and yet to be learned.

The Emotional Circle ~ our understanding of the effects of joy, happiness, laughter vs anger, sadness and anguish.

The bottom row with the circles overlapping with the top row going left to right.

The Love Circle ~ love of ourselves, the act of being loved and the love of family.

The Gratitude Circle ~ the understanding of how gratitude designs our life and its effect.

The Mood Circle ~ how our moods drive our state and how they effect our moments during our life.

Today we come to the Gratitude Circle and to life with gratitude is to truly understand that life from the very start, is a gift.

To appreciate this gift is to live it with the understanding that there will be struggles, there will be valleys and mountains but to appreciate even these is what life is about.

Learning and adapting to the intellectual circle and understanding how even in learning to walk it was a struggle, a few falls, a few bumps but we never gave up and how grateful are we that learned to walk and then to run.

Gratitude is a meaningful part of daily life. A few quotes to ponder upon:

“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks

for another day of loving.”

~Kahlil Gibran


If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.

~Robert Quillen

When looking at our checkbook and keeping a balance the goal is to always keep things in the positive so that no check due to be cashed would suffer the denial of being accepted.

When looking at our ledger of life and keeping an account of what we have the goal is much the same. To keep our experiences positive, our gifts acknowledged and our liabilities to a few. When we see a weakness we face it and like a small child who stumbles on a step, he adjusts and walks on and so should we. Make the correction, be grateful that we could and walk on. No drama, no anger, no bitterness we just walk on!

Head held high

Eyes towards the heavens

A heart full of gratitude

An attitude that lights they way in a dark moment.

I leave you today with a passage from the Bible:

Colossians 3:15 ESV

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.


Gratitude may it rule your heart today, tomorrow and flow with abundance!

Smiles sent your way!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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