Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~09/07/2010

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day celebrations and I hope you made some great memories along the way. Back to the work week, although it is a very short week for many.

Tuesday a day that I like to remind and encourage everyone about giving thanks and sharing what we are thankful for. Not just on Tuesday but other days through the week.

Today is part 3 of the Circle of Self Theory and it is about The Emotional Circle and to define my topic today further:

The Emotional Circle ~ our understanding of the effects of joy, happiness, laughter vs anger, sadness and anguish.

Our emotions have a direct effect on our health, our surroundings and how other people view us.

Have you ever gone to a party or walk into a room and sense the joy or tension? You can almost feel it, the energy both good and bad have a sense about it and can take over the energy around us.

Laughter and Joy can have a direct effect on a persons health and well being. The attitude of a person as they go through a dramatic illness can be profoundly affected by the surroundings. It has been proved time after time.

A nation deep in emotional turmoil and anguish over the tolerance and nature of the economic and political climate and how they are governed can and always proven to be quite dramatic in its health, crime levels, life expectancy look at countries that have had dictatorships vs countries with democratic style governments. The emotional stresses play a key role in the countries health and welfare.

The emotional circle is about understanding all of this, when we get to part 6 and talk about the Mood Circle we will get into more about our state of mind and moods and their effect on us. How we can change our state by changing our thoughts and more.

Our emotions send out advanced messages to others

When we understand that we can be effected by others and their emotional impact that they are giving we will be able to position our selves better for that moment, day, week, month, life for that matter.

All emotional messages are energy. All energy has power to create or tear down.

"Emotional competence is the single most important personal quality that each of us must develop and access to experience a breakthrough.

Only through managing our emotions

can we access our intellect

and our technical competence.

An emotionally competent person performs better under pressure."

~Dave Lennick,

The Emotional Circle is for know understanding how emotions can play into the energy that surrounds us all.

The world we live in is all energy. Most good but some not so good. Some just plain evil.

We protect our borders, ourself by planting and harvesting good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

We protect others by giving and showing them gratitude.

We protect our future by understanding and seeking out improvements.

We our either growing in life or dying. There really is no status quo of staying still.

86,400 seconds in a day and not a one stands still or stops for us to catch our breath.

The move on by and so should we move forward.

Tomorrow we talk about the The Circle of Love and how it plays a part in all of us.

Smiles sent to you today and everyday! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.



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