Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~09/06/10

Happy Monday and welcome to Labor Day 2010! Yeah! A celebration about and for the American worker. A holiday for the Labor Union movement and for non union workers alike.

Many of us, including this writer work today. But if I had a choice of a job or no job at all well, you know the answer, unless there is a mega millions or power ball winning ticket involved for well millions.

So my smiles and good wishes go out to you the american worker who is working at home, or at the factory, serving our nation in the armed forces or serving our communities as a first responder. Much thanks to you and please know that your a very big part of the circle of life.

Yesterday I spoke about the 'Spiritual Circle' on Part 1 of 6 in the Circle of Self Theory and how we can make a difference if we just take care of the Circle of Influence we hold with in each others life.

What I mean is not just those close to us but our human nature that is within us.

We are designed to be happy, built to service others and all have the inherent need to be loved and needed in this world. But many of us don't take the time to even love ourselves.

Why? Good question, later in the week we will get to that answer.

Today is about the 'Intellectual Circle' and what importance it has on designing a better future for ourselves and the world at large.

Define intellectual, lets go to the Internet at


1. appealing to or engaging the intellect: intellectual pursuits.

2. of or pertaining to the intellect or its use: intellectual powers.

3. possessing or showing intellect or mental capacity, esp. to a high degree: an intellectual person.

4. guided or developed by or relying on the intellect rather than upon emotions or feelings; rational.

5. characterized by or suggesting a predominance of intellect: an intellectual way of speaking.

The Intellectual Circle is perhaps best defined as our way of thinking. Know understand the following theory of our search of joy and happiness.

We often look for it so many ways, food, drink, comedy, mindless and mindful television, the newspaper and on and on the search goes. Here is a quote and a thought:

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself:

I, not events,

have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.

I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet.

I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.

~ Groucho Marx

or this quote:

Most people are about as happy as they

make up their minds to be.

~Abraham Lincoln

In life, our life we have the intellect to design a better way of understanding. We can choose to be happy or choose to be another emotion. Now here is the catch, many times we have become what we see all the time, our learned reactions can sometimes be derived from our growth in families and our schooling.

We define our knowledge but what we learn. The rose has many names for the various blends and species but to some its just a rose of a different color.

Perception is Reality

Such a statement. Many of us see things as we see it. We leave very little gray in our life it is either black or white. Why? How can so many of us be just so right and at other times be so wrong?

Perhaps flexibility is the key. Imagine if you would your body if it was rigid, fragile in movement. Or your car would just turn left and never just go right in direction.

Imagine the angst and frustration at trying to move the way you wanted it to move.

We are all designed to be flexible in our movements and so it should be in our thoughts.

Align your mind each day to look at things with one purpose to be happy and in service to the human race.

Align your actions each day to be in harmony with your goal and decided purpose.

Will bad things happen to good people? Yes. Sorry to tell you as long as we have free will and others have free will and we don't live in a perfect bubble, stuff will happen.

But guess what you have heard this quote before:

"It's not what happens to you, but how

you react to it that matters."


Your 'Intellectual Circle' design it fresh to what you want to focus on that will be good for the common good.

Your 'Intellectual Circle' the old saying garbage in and garbage out does not just apply to computer programming.

It applies to all programming of life.

Design your future and design your life!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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