Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~08/14/10

Good Morning everyone! Welcome to Saturday, welcome to a beautiful day and another chance to use this day, your day to make a difference. You can do it! With a smile, with a look of kind, with a word that comforts, it is up to you and you make the difference.

Before I get into the Saturday Morning Reflection from the past I want to announce a new format and name for tomorrow's Sunday post.

The new name, drum roll please...........

Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts


As the name implies, I want you the reader to post any and all prayer requests. I am a firm believer that thoughts truly do become things and I know the power of prayer can and does make a difference. The power of thought and the firm belief that thoughts become things especially written and spoken thought is the second part of this days stated purpose.

Together, united we can pray, give encouragement and inspirational moments to another person. We can and will change the way they look at things and the way they begin and start to heal.

The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us,

but that we will hear Him.

~William McGill

I have said this before God knows all and understands are heart. He also has the power to intercede on our behalf but it is my firm belief that when we pray we pray to give thanks and to listen to his word and guidance.

We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties. ~Oswald Chambers

Thoughts become things! As we speak our thoughts and as we listen in silence and drive ourself with positive intentions so does our problems seem to get driven away. We often have the answers we only need to open our mind to new possibilities.

So often time it happens, we all live our life in chains,

and we never even know we have the key.

~The Eagles, "Already Gone"

So with that I hope you comment today and I hope you visit tomorrow for Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts. Bring them with you and share in the power that our thoughts and prayers and belief really does hold the key in our results.

The reflection today from July 29, 2009 the title Sometimes

Enjoy it and have a great Saturday!

Day in and day out we all give in some manner to contribute, to share or even to lift another from thier burdens. We all have that sense of oneness, of being all in this together.

We may give a smile, a kind word, or a statement of gratitude.

We give always from the heart, from our inner spirit. Sometimes, we give from someplace even deeper as deep as the soul. Our core.

I love to give, I love to give smiles, a kind word, a compliment even when it is not expected.

Sometimes, the gesture is given to you. Sometimes a thank you is enough.

Sometiems, words can't be delivered that are enough to even scratch the surface of what we feel inside the wonderment and deep gratitude that overflows. The disbelief that another could be so kind, so timely, so impactful in anothers life.

Sometimes it happens even to me.

Prayers, so powerful and grand. Prayers of gratitude are often what I pray, for my family, my health, my spirit and soul. Prayers for our leaders, our friends and coworkers. I pray for all who need a lift, often I pray for that quiet moment to realize how blessed I am.

Yesterday I was blessed. Blessed by two friends, two kind souls that I could not begin to thank with out tears coming to the surface. How I will ever express my gratitude or return in any way the thought and gesture, I just don't know.

Sometimes we don't even feel worthy of such a gesture of kindness.

Sometimes we wonder how to repay, how to reciprocate our feelings that swell within overcome us.

Sometimes thank you and you didn't have to are not enough.

I don't like to talk about me, so I won't go into any details, not what I want to do today. I do want to say that prayer works, even when you don't really ask for it, you just think it. God hears and God is always there.

Your comments and prayers here for each other, and for me are touching, and I give thanks for this forum here at Gather. I post what I write each day onto my home site, Make Me Smile Online. The site is a little over 4 months old now and I have been posting here for about 3 1/2 months. I send it over twitter and facebook and I thank you for reading my heartfelt words. It means so much to be a part of your life.

If it means only one person has been moved or smiled from it then I am happy and grateful.

So my message today may have been fragmented, may not have lifted you up, I'm not sure. I just wanted to say, prayer works, the human spirit is out there waiting for all of us. But in reflection it always begins with you. Your spirit, your kindness, your gentle way that tries each and everyday to contribute to something bigger than yourself.

Sometimes even when you don't ask, random kindess finds you.

To those who love you will be loved.

To those who need, your need will be filled.

To those who hurt, your hurt will be lifted.

Waves and storms pass through our life, sometimes with speed, sometimes they linger but they will pass. Believe and lift your face to the man or woman in your mirror and smile and know your are blessed!

Happy Wednesday everyone, and keep smiling and keep trusting!

To my two friends, you know who you are, Thank You, and my words are not enough.

Till next time..... Smile!! : )

Smiles to all! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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Make ME Smile Online

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