Happy Friday everyone and yes a Friday the 13th to boot. A good link with a different twist on the history of Friday the 13th.
Ultimately it is just another day, just another number and just another movie waiting to be written to scare people. But it is interesting how we can associate this day with so much bad. We almost assume that when something does go wrong on the this day it is more than just a bad choice it is the day that caused it (the bad thing) to happen.
Why do we let our moods and results be defined by a day of the calendar? Why its easy to let something else take the blame.
Life is full of moments, and they flow on by like the mighty flow of a stream over the bed of rocks and soil. Ever flowing and yet ever changing as it flows. Move a few rocks or place something in the way of the flow and it changes speed or flow but flow it still does until you plant a damn, and obstruction.
Time flows just like a river but yet there is nothing we can do to damn the flow. Stop it from rolling on by. The 86,400 seconds in the day, your day, my day keeps flowing on by. Unstoppable until we cease to flow with those seconds.
Change is the one constant in life as is the change of time, the change of factors, the change of our own human nature.
Today as you flow into this day we call Friday, and the 13th to go along with it. Think of all the changes that have happened in your life. For better and for worse change happens. How we react to change makes all the difference.
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it,
change the way you think about it.
~Mary Engelbreit
When we are no longer able to change a situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves.
~Victor Frankl
Growth is the only evidence of life.
~John Henry Newman, Apologia pro vita sua, 1864
With growth comes change, its a fact of life. When we realize that with every change comes new opportunity to not only stand and make the most of it but also to take the reins of that change and blaze a better path. A new degree of adventure sets in when we understand that change is good, even if that change seems bad at the moment.
Nothing worth anything ever came without change.
The Berlin Wall fell because of change.
The Civil War ended because of change.
A company that comes out of debt and goes through a restructuring and ends up making a difference does so because of change.
We elect our government seeking a change and sometimes we don't get everything we wanted but we get something.
A smile, a laugh and a dream with written goals can change everything.
That is indeed what I hope to build for anyone who visits our site on the web that spreads smiles and empowers anyone to look for a better way.
The web site www.makemesmileonline.com
Free to visit
Free to join
Smiles are always free
Without change we die. For without change we are already dead.
Change happens for a reason.
Change happens in every season.
Seasons of a year.
Seasons of our life.
What are you doing with your season?
Stand up and plant your feet in the soil and say enough.
Enough sadness, or anger, or worry or decline.
Enough is enough and today this day, Friday the 13th, 2010 I/WE can change for the better! With a smile, with a laugh and with love
Smiles to all! : )
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
Where membership is always free and
so are the smiles!
Make ME Smile Online
The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !
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