Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 06/26/10

Good Morning and Happy Saturday!  The weekend is here, the first Saturday of summer.  A beautiful full moon here last night and a very clear and comfortable night here in western PA.

"For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us."</q>

~Richard H. Baker

The power of intention has so much magnitude as well.  When we speak to the universe and let it know what we want and how we have the ability to acquire magic starts to happen.

Know what your ability already is

you are a perfect creation - speak with intention what

you truly want to draw to be drawn to you from the universe.

This is another day to reflect of course here at Make ME Smile Online.  I share a post from June 26, 2009.  Enjoy and take a moment to reflect another year has passed another trip around the sun gone by.

The Angel and a Pop Icon

June 26, 2009

A strong wave hit our shores today and two were taken away from us in the wake.

A day that we will remember for years.  Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson passing away on the same day. They both will be missed but yet both left behind so much to remember and reflect upon.

Growing up in the 70's and 80's both had an impact on my life and the life of those around me.  Charlie's Angel star, Farrah and her poster and hair style adorned lockers in my school and walls of boy's bedrooms everywhere.  We all groaned when Lee Majors the "Six Million Dollar Man" married her and felt relief, like any of us had a chance, when they split up.

In the early 80's I Dee Jayed at a club in Burlington, WVa and must have played Michael Jackson's Beat it, Billie Jean and Thriller 100's of times.  The crowd on the floor would have wanted me to play them once an hour but twice in one night was enough.

They both made us feel great growing up.  Both made us laugh, smile, cheer, dance.  They will not be forgotten.  Not since the passing, of John Lennon has so many been touched all over the world.

The one song I love to listen to and read the lyrics is Man in the Mirror.

We can all make that difference, make that change if we stand back and look at the mirror.

Look at ourselves, not just on the outside but on the inside.

Look at our dreams and turn them in to goals with actions and plans to set them to life.

Look at our hopes and prayers and set them free into the energy around us and then into reality.

Dream Big, I love that video I shared with you a few weeks ago.

But the words and the song and the video of Man in the Mirror, we all grew up with this and it is just as relevant today as it was then.

So I leave with you today with this video, and  I wish you all a great Friday!  I wish the family of Farrah and Michael the very best and my prayers go to them.

The waves of life will continue to hit, there is always another coming a shore.  Some we get to play in and some we wish would never come but come they do.

God Bless you today and Make that Change in your life!



A video tribute to Farrah



Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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