Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 05/17/10

Happy Monday to everyone! Awesome! One word that I can use to describe my weekend. My daughters birthday and the weekend as a whole awesome.

My mood has to be at its highest in quite a long time. I usually as you know by now carry my mood deep within my spirit at its highest level.

Yes sometimes I have my days, don't we all but what resonates within the spirit. What truly pours from your aura. Thats what matters the most.

Those that have met me or know me understand the true essence of my spirit. I always look for ways to make a total stranger smile, always look for a way to make a little difference in some else's life when they seem to need it.

What about you?

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and gazed into the window's of your soul, your eyes. What do you see? Do you love what you see? What would you change if you thought you could?

What would you be willing to do if you could not fail?

What about you?

We all go through stuff, some painful a loss of a loved one. Some painful in our pain we feel or the ailments that hover over our well being. We all go through stuff. How do you deal with it?

I know if you reading this and follow it on a regular basis you probably are not a whiner, whiners don't read this much.

They tend to like to complain and look for faults in others. Ever work with whiners?

Yes we all have had that experience and some of us still do.

The true mark of a man is not what he goes through in life but how he responds to those things in life.

What about you?

We all have dreams, atleast we should. We all should have goals and plans that we make. Sometimes we don't have faith in ourselves or we doubt because of past results and we stop planning and goal setting. What a shame huh? I am sure your not one of those people are you?

What about you?

My dreams and goals and plans are set.

My hope and understanding is in place.

I will succeed in what I touch and if I don't succeed I will re-evaluate and refocus and march on. Nothing and I mean nothing will stop my desire to be happy, and focus on what I am grateful for in my life.

What about you?

Can you say those 3 statements with conviction. What if you started today?

I don't know you right now, but I do know this you have every right to be the following:



A dreamer

A goal setter

A thinker

And a difference maker

It's your turn....... What about you.....

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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