Happy Sunday everyone! Yesterday was a great success for my daughters birthday. Your comments here on Gather and also on Facebook were very much appreciated. I showed Tori, my daughter the post yesterday and she smile, mission accomplished. I also read the comments here and on FB and she wanted me to say thanks.
We went fishing early in the morning yesterday. First time for me in a long time and she had been asking me to take her as she had gone with her mom when she lived in Ohio.
So I bought her some gear and we went to the local lake. A beautiful day. Sunny and slow paced.
A great 4 hours alone with my daughter. Didn't matter really that we didn't catch anything.
What we did catch was that conversation, some laughs and just being together.
Just sharing time with someone you love and who loves you.
Just being in the same aura, the like minded feeling that your appreciated and respected.
Is not that what we all want and care about.
A need to feel loved and significant in another persons life.
Thats my thought for today and for those who you have in your life that care, and truly matter spend time with them. Don't let your job or any other stresses in your life carry you down life's river away from them. It is so worth the effort to swim along side and share the waters together.
The day with my daughter, the fishing and the cake and the candles and much more I took some pictures and posted on my Facebook. Many of you here are also my friends there and if your not. Well here is the link to my Facebook. I hope we can be friends there as well.
The day was a success and I am so glad that I was able to spend it with her.
A funny thing happened at the store yesterday, I picked out a card and the message fit so well, so right, I had to get it. Funny thing was, I gave her the exact same care a year before. The message was so perfect, the card so true why wouldn't I buy it again. Did not remember the card from last year, but I did remember the message. Funny but we both laughed poor dad I guess I am getting older a bit quicker. Smiling all the way of course.
So today if I have one thought to share this would be it.
Take the time to love of course we all want and need that.
Take the time to share love and show it to another, thats where the magic happens.
To give, to show and to allow another to see that effort given, to feel that love expressed. Thats when the magic happens.
Be that magic to someone, share your love and like a flower watch them bloom. Guess what, you will be blooming too.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone else a bit happier.
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