Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom (The Heart of Our Wold Part 1) ~ 04/05/10

Happy Monday everyone! So a new week filled with positive energy, positive thoughts and a new perspective on how we all can make a difference in another person's life. What do you think, can we live with that thought for awhile? Can we place deep in our own spirit that sense of service to our fellow brother and sisters. If you ask your self that question enough why wouldn't you want to say yes.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

US anthropologist & popularizer of anthropology (1901 - 1978)

That quote indeed says it all, one small group that can change more than just themselves.

That is what its all about. Last week I promised to go into more detail on The heart of the world and what may be wrong with our climate. I don't mean to tread heavy here on the contrary I want to get a discussion and point out some observations I am sure we all have made.

Today is Part 1 and I want to start it off with Jeremiah 17:9 (NIV)

The heart is deceitful above all things

and beyond cure.

Who can understand it?

Who can really understand the heart of another? Why has the world struggled with just coming together in peace, harmony and love? What a question to start off with huh?

Why have we lost the heart of humanity? Why?

Why have we let our hearts be filled with Anger?

Why have we let our hearts be filled with Rage? Blame?

When we should have in our hearts things like acceptance, love, peace and forgivness.

We often see what we want to see. We often only focus on our own life, and by our I mean our family, that close circle that surrounds us.

I like to believe that we are all one. One people that have Edged Out God (as Wayne Dwyer writes in The Shift his latest book), we use our EGO to focus on a much bigger picture.

Our love for humanity. Our focus, out thought process has narrowed from the days of old.

Enjoy the day, tomorrow I will touch more on this topic. But for now enjoy the video and have a great Monday!

Till next time.....share your heart and share your smile.

www make me smile online dot com

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