Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday (The Heart of Our Wold Part 2) ~ 04/06/10

Happy Tuesday everyone welcome to another great day. Everyday can be a great day, your focus is what matters the most when you greet your day.

It has often been said that your first impression that you leave with a person in that first 30 seconds is the one that will be the most lasting. Well if that is in fact the truth the first few seconds of your day, how you awake, what you say to yourself matters the most when you awaken.

Your thoughts and focus shape your day.

The week I promised to share and give a little deeper insight to the importance of the heart and how it shapes our world. Focus was really what yesterday was about. How we have lost some focus, how we in much older times, focused on our neighbors, our community and how that close knit feeling has fallen away.

The social network sights growth has been on the rise for some time now. It allows us to share with instant ease. We feel someone what closer but yet still need so much more face time not just facebook.

The touch of another can never be replaced by the cold touch of a keyboard.

The sound of someone next to you, can tell more to our soul than the crystal clear sound of a cell phone. The signals will always be more clear face to face.

The rise of technology and the limited time we truly spend together may be a cause and effect on why the heart of our world plays out so poorly.

The sound and inspiration of music can not be our only fuel for our motivation.

The sound of the church organ on Sunday can not be the only time we as social beings come together. Yes it helps but it will never replace the other 5 or 6 days.

So today, learn how to make a difference in your world. What could you do that would add to the remedy of a social condition.

Give food to a soup kitchen? Volunteer at an animal shelter?

Take time to teach a child how to read?

Make a difference, share your talents not just with the keyboard but with your very presence in another persons life.

Real, honest and true face to face contribution.

Hoping you think on this and other possibilities. The heart of our world is not dead, sick yeah maybe but one small effort can make a difference in shaping our world back to health.

Till next time........Smile, share a smile and let love become face to face once more.

www make me smile online dot com

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