Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 04/10/10

Happy Saturday everyone, I hope your weekend is filled with joy and happiness. Saturday is always a time to share and make moments with those you love. So enjoy your day and make some memories.

Saturday is a day that I like to find a post a from last year and share it with you. I do want to reflect on the past weeks posts. I shared with you about how we can start to listen to our heart and help a hurting world. One person at a time.

Focus ~ Have a heart of service ~ look at the Big Picture ~

Understand our Values of the heart

When we take inventory of what we can do to brighten our day and the day of another we will start to focus on possibilities not problems.

When we open our heart the ideal of helping another less fortunate we often forget how we have just helped ourselves.

Enjoy the moments in life that come your way and don't forget if your in a hard time right now. This storm shall pass.

Faith, Hope and Love but the greatest of these is love. Don't ever forget to love yourself.

The post from last year:

Kindness to self from June 23, 2009

How often are you kind, no not to others but to yourself?

To understand how to deal with others we first must understand how to deal with our own emotions and actions to ourself.

Often, we put the best of us for others but forget to take care of our inner self.

A quote shared here.....

There are at least two kinds of cowards. One kind always lives with himself, afraid to face the world. The other kind lives with the world, afraid to face himself. ~Roscoe Snowden

and another...

At this very moment, you may be saying to yourself that you have any number of admirable qualities. You are a loyal friend, a caring person, someone who is smart, dependable, fun to be around. That's wonderful, and I'm happy for you, but let me ask you this: are you being any of those things to yourself?

~Phillip C. McGraw, The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom, 2003

You see the key here is to have that inner love for yourself so you the vessel that God has planted on this earth can be shared with others. Is your vessel empty ? Our you feeling discouraged?

So here are some action points:

Action 1 ---> List what you love about yourself, what are you about and after you list this out take time to apply them to yourself. Apply your love in generous amounts to you!

Action 2 ---> What are you grateful for? What are you most happy that you have in your life? List them, share them with yourself on a daily basis. Gratitude is our most precious gift to ourself.

Action 3 ---> Take time each morning to Pray, to search and to meditate on what God wants for you. What is purpose for you? Yes you maybe a father, a mother, a wife, a husband but the first thing you are is vessel, designed by God and placed upon this earth to be filled, not with anything but love and goodness.

Action 4 ---> Look in the mirror and say to yourself positive and inspiring statements. How great you look! How sweet of a person you are! How great it is to be part of today! Give yourself that encouragement that you so richly deserve.

If you do these simple things, once, twice a day. Say in the morning and at night. How much time will it take? 5 minutes in all? 10 minutes? What if you did these things and they made a difference in you?

What if indeed!

So take time for you! Make a difference in your life, now! Right now, take time for you! Without the you being enriched how can you give your best to others? Be kind to yourself today and everyday!

Smile at yourself!

Laugh with yourself!

Be Happy and know that you are a great vessel placed on earth by God to be Great!

Till next time.....Smile and make a difference in you!

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