Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 04/11/10

Happy Sunday everyone and welcome to that great day that we can relax and enjoy. Mediate and pray, dream and plan our week of smiles.

Sunday is a great day to share, and plan with family. Take time each Sunday to reflect and project your values and sense of gratitude to the ones you love and care about.

That is really what life comes down to projection of future values and gratitude sent out into the world.

The mark you can make with that simple step.

So today I wanted to just for a few minutes share with you my take on the media and perhaps a take on the recent long drawn out drama of Tiger Woods and the much published drama and affair that the media just placed a strangle hold on and continues to do so.

Morally we all understand the ramifications of what he did. We would not want that done to us and we all pretty much get that.

But when does the right to his family and right to privacy start and end. When does the given right that we all should have control of get to be returned to him?

Yes, new like Tigers sells, and not only does it sell well we in our own sense contribute to it because we all buy into it.

We love it, how sad huh? We use countless about of energy and brain cells wondering what is going to happen next. With no control what so ever. Its not like we get to vote. Its not like we should have a right to vote on what happens with Tiger and his family.

We should understand that the man is a great golfer. He has brought thousands into the game of golf because he did and does write and rewrite the history of golf in todays age.

Be thankful for that. We are watching greatness and learn how to behave to get to that level in the game. Hard work and practice.

Now, given all of that we also get to see the fall of Tiger in his personal life, and I for one hope that he does get the chance to rebuild.

Have we all not fallen in one area of our life and rebuilt it from the bottom up.

Did we not deserve that opportunity? How can you not answer yes to that?

Whether or not Tigers wife, Elin stays or goes is really none of our business. If she goes then we should understand and support her and if she watches and learns to trust again we should understand and support that decision.

Plain and Simple let go and let God!

Thats my take and I hope you enjoy the Master's today and watch a little history, win or lose Tiger will make his mark and hopefully he can go on with his life after the last bright light changes its angle.

Till next time......Smile and share a smile with another!

www make me smile online dot com

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