Friday, April 9, 2010

Flowing into Friday (The Heart of Our World Part 5) ~ 04/09/10

Happy Friday everyone and yes I posted a little later than usual. The flow of my morning changed the timing a bit and I hope in the future to be on time it just feels better posting early in the morning except for Sunday, which to me is a lazy day for Faith, Family and Friends.

So today is the last in a series of posts about the Heart and Our World. I as usual try to focus on the what we can do and let you the reader decide for yourself if it relates and implement the thoughts into your world.

The post and series was inspired by a friend and co worker and is based on the following scripture I want to repost here.

Jeremiah 17:9 (NIV)

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.

Who can understand it?

That scripture is pretty thought provoking is it not. As a statement by the Bible at face value I believe it to be true. We are of course all directed by free will. We all use our own compass of values and place upon our eyes our own set of focus points directed by the mind and heart. We instruct our hands to either be of service or seclusion. We protect our spirit many times from hurt, some more than others by placing walls around us to ward off any hurt, sadness or pain. Why? Protection, I will go with that. Protection of the heart from pain or possible pain.

But ask yourself this what are you losing out on?

What are you placing at the side of the road as you whisk on by at a higher speed.

Take time to refocus and think about what goes on inside and outside of your heart.

What you allow to pass through into a deeper area and what remains beyond your high walls. What are you losing out on? What have you misplaced unknowingly.

Perhaps the greatest gift of all was given to us from birth, a non directed natural flow of life, born on time, born with free will and no excuses but just to breathe and be nurtured.

We as a society with good intentions mind you mucked it all up by placing rules, rituals, traditions some good, some not so good, in the way of that natural flow of life.

But alas it is not to late to meditate on our future.

It is not to late to refocus on our values.

It is not to late to be of good service and try to make a difference with another less fortunate. Less fortunate in the carry of a smile, the burdens of the heart, or just looking for acceptance.

It is not to late. Your alive, your blessed and your a part of the solution to so many of your problems that is assuming you have more than one like me. Laughing at that statement right now.

Life is and will always be an awesome adventure.

Well placed gratitude, well secured love place and nestled inside of our hearts and spirit.

Faith in God.

Trust in our choices. Belief in our abilities.

So to recap.

Refocus on what is possible.

Direct your intentions to service of another more in need.

Try to look at the big picture of life.

Lastly trust in the values, your values of the heart!

May you all be blessed, loved, cherished and full of joy and gratitude not just for today.

But for life!

Till next time.....and every time..... Smile! Don't forget to share one along the way!

www make me smile online dot com

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