Spring in 8 days, how we yearn for you,
We long for the warmth, the grass to go to green-
Gently melt the snow so the rivers do not overflow-
We thank you for the warning advance that they probably will,
It gives us time to prepare and move things higher but still-
Spring in 8 days, yes eight days away.
I just can't wait till the flowers that will bloom in May!
So with that lets bring to you our positive thought for today.
I often remember old Star Wars movies. I love one quote in particular from Yoda. His quote:
"Do or do not .... There is no try".
This is a very positive thought. Why? Think of the most important tasks in our life. Our care for our children. When we took on that responsibility did we say to ourselves or others, I will try to take care of them. When we get up in the morning and head off to work do we try to stay in our lane so we don't hit another oncoming vehicle. No, consciously or unconsciously we say to ourselves we will handle that task.
I at a very early stage in parenting my kids taught them this lesson. If we say we will try to do anything we will leave open in our psyche the chance we may not.
If we remember to listen to our dear friend Yoda, we may just change the way we look at other positive thoughts.
From his lips:
I hope you pass along this little video, with positive thoughts bring positive actions.
With positive actions bring positive chance.
With positive change comes a whole new way of crossing obstacles and bringing joy to another soul. Even if that soul is our own.
Till next time, Do smile, do make a difference and do
have a wonderful Thursday.
www.make me smile online dot com
( where the ME is really all about YOU)
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