Friday, March 12, 2010

Flowing into Friday ~ 03/12/10

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you stay above the flood levels if you live in the flood area's. The only good thing about this flood warnings is that we all have had many days of planning an preparation. Hopefully everyone took the warnings seriously.

Our mantra for today:

Spring in 7 days, yes only one week to go-

Friday the rain is falling here in the northeast-

We all hope the rivers will continue to flow

Flood waters will rise as the snow starts to go

Spring in 7 days now the clean up starts

One week till spring and raging waters in March.

One week, wow the snow is melting fast. Stay safe this wet season. May the waters recede quickly.

The birthday is coming soon as Make ME Smile Online turns one on the 18th of March. I have been writing on Gather since April 9th but the mission to share the smile and educate about Gratitude and the power of sharing the smile and making a difference will turn 1 very soon. Only 5 days away for that.

This web site is as much yours and like I always say, the ME is really all about You. Thanks so much for your support.

You can also follow me on Facebook click on this sentence and you will be taken to my profile page.

Flowing, the rivers, the melting snow and time. It all flows, unceasingly for everyone in the same pace and rhythm.

I watched a enjoyable movie last night called The Shift, based upon the book by Wayne Dwyer titled the same. I speaks and teaches the message of allowing ourselves to grow in life as we grew the first 9 months of our creation. To follow our spirit and allow life to lead us and to not let our ego, (Wayne calls EGO Edging God Out), get in the way of our true destiny that God created us for.

Everyday I try to live and write a message of attitude staying positive, living with gratitude in the heart. Living with passion for Christ. Living with a smile in place, not just on my face but in my heart.

Do I stumble, you bet I do.

Do I fall, maybe a little but I never come crashing down in a shambles. I am better than that. Will I face trials and tests just like you the reader. Yeah, bad stuff still happens to good people everyday. That is reality. But I don't go looking for trouble, I don't wonder when the next shoe will fall on me.

I look to the heavens, head upright, shoulders back, a smile in heart and I know that each day, if I try - I will make a difference.

I know this.

Your comments tell me so.

My smile reflects back from my clients, my friends, my daughter and my better half.

I tell you this with all the passion in my heart. If you live a life of service, of trying to make another's life breathe a little easier. You will indeed have succeeded as the following quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson suggests:


To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure

the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

That is my belief on success.

Join us in our cause to pass along a smile.

Join us in our mission to share joy and gratitude with others.

Join, make a difference this year. It is easy, it is free.

Our members and myself thank you.


The ME is really all about YOU the reader.

Till next time smile, share a smile and make a difference in someone's life, start with you.

Enjoy your Friday and stay safe!


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