Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~03/09/10

Good day everyone and welcome to Tuesday, a day I choose to give thanks. So Happy Tuesday to you and I hope you take the time to share what your grateful for. The mantra for today:

Spring in 10 days-

Yes only 10 days, the countdown starts.

To dream of spring morning, the smells of wet grass,

spring showers watering, flower beds

May flowers the plans are ahead.

Gardens that were once only dreams are now about to be fed.

10 days till spring, the joy it will bring.

I do like snow, without a doubt, but this year pushed the limits for most.

I am grateful for another spring season, plans being made for the flower bed and garden, work yes, but worth it.

So yesterday I spoke of the show on NPR that I happened upon.

The part I wanted to share today is about taking the time to savor.

Savor is defined as the act of:

to enjoy with appreciation; dwell on with delight.

~Webster's New World College Dictionary

Some quotes on the word and act of Savoring:

From Sarah Ban Breathnach:

“As we become curators of our own contentment on the Simple Abundance path... we learn to savor the small with a grateful heart.”


And from unknown author:

“You must pre-live the future... not re-live the past...

and savor the moment.”

Do you take time to savor the moments in life. Do you take time to savor what is good, really take in the scent, the taste, the feel of good health, of living, of having what you have.

So many of us ponder on what we don't have, and not that we savor the lack but pay way too much attention to what we yearn for.

We have everything already laid at our feet, we just need to reroute the energy and pick it up, savor it, enjoy its beauty.

I am currently reading Wayne Dyer's book titled The Shift. I highly recommend picking up a copy. I bought it for my Iphone Kindle viewer and enjoy it any chance I get.

One message I want to share with you from the book, that we all come from spirit, and our true form is from the Diving piece of God. We are all first a spiritual being connected to source energy, or God. He formed us in his image. Then along comes our "ego" or what our world states we should be, should have, and should compete for. We all get wrapped up in our "ego" for more, more toys, more wants, more control.

We control our thoughts and what thoughts do you have about your "ego". Are you constantly pushing for more, more time, more effort, more your fill in the blank?

Or, do you take time to savor and truly enjoy what you do have.

We all have the same amount of time in our day.

Do you take time to savor what you have right now?

Take the time to show gratitude, you just may feel better.

Take the time to show love, you just may make another person feel loved.

Take the time to share the simple yet powerful smile with everyone, with anyone you just may make a difference in their life. I know you will make a difference in your own.

Till next time...take the time to savor and smile!

www make me smile online dot com

(where the ME is really all about YOU)

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