Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ January 02, 2010

Happy Saturday everyone! The first Saturday of the new year and while we are still at the start of the year lets focus a little on reflection of the past year and what we would like to change if we could.

Change is something we all want once we have been through something we didn't like. But change before something happens and we have certain fear of change. We resist it, we buck it we say it will never work. Since time began we want change but when it comes we never seem to embrace it.

Seems funny the human nature of things.

So how do we do it how do we look back on what we want to change and resist the temptation to keep things status quo when it gets the least bit tough?

Tiny steps. Thats right break down your challenge into little steps. The longest journey in the world is made up of the first step, then another. Look at all the great idea's of the world and the first step, actually the first hundred or so steps ended with failure. The first time you tried to ride a bike did you wobble, maybe even fall? The first time you learned to drive a stick, saying that you know how to drive a manual transmission now that is, did you ever stall or buck when you shifted gears. Probably so to both of these. We probably had someone with us encouraging us, prodding us to keep pedaling or try again.

So it is with your challenges and changes you want this year. Maybe it is to quit smoking, lose weight or focus on giving back to others. Maybe it is to start a gratitude journal, or to write more, it starts with a single step and looking back after you have done a few thousand steps you will even forget the first step you took and how it did not feel so right.

Take your challenge and break down the first few steps and something that has worked for me at times, know what you want your challenge to look like when you are happy with your results. Mind you I did not say finished but know at the start what it will look like, your challenge when it is working. The money your saving because you don't smoke. The clothes you can get rid of because they are too big and don't fit. The drive to the Goodwill or Salvation Army store to donate them. The family members and friends who are so surprised to hear you learned how to drive a manual transmission. How will that feel?

Great! Super! Wowsville! Ok that should be a new Facebook game, wowsville! No seriously you will feel like you not only accomplished something but the next time you think about the past year you will stand back and find it hard to remember why you did not do that sooner.

So today yes today, what is your first step to continuing your journey away from those negative things you want to change. You resolved to change you stated "NO MORE" those things. Maybe your already at step #2 and ready for step 3 and 4. It only matters that your on the path, yes the journey may be long but worth it you bet!

Have a great Saturday everyone and keep the feet moving and the mind grateful.

Till next time..... Smile and share that smile, make a difference.

www make me smile online dot com

Member # 29 looking for 30 we have so much to do together, spread the word and membership is free, Make ME Smile Online

where the ME is really all about you.

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