Sunday, December 6, 2009

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ December 06, 2009

Happy Sunday everyone! A light snow has fallen here but never really impacted the roads just the yard, how nice that is and how nice it looks.

Sunday a day to relax and share with family. I have done all my shopping online thus far and so far so good.

Last week I mentioned that I am listening to the audio version of Dr. Wayne Dwyer's Excuses Begone. To say this book as good thoughts and vibrations would be an understatement. Treat yourself this Christmas to the book or the Audio tape of a recent audio version of a seminar which he interacts with a crowd. Either way I recommend it. Good stuff.

His idea is something that I talked about before in different words.

Our thoughts become things. Our words to ourselves become the outcome.

I know this is to be true from experience and watching other lives unfold. We are the captains of our own ships our vessels our body temple that God has designed for us.

God built and designed all of us from egg to conception to be perfect. God does not make mistakes we change our paths in life with tiny decisions that later alter the road we travel on. Our habits change our results. They change our results just as any action we take will bring us a result.

Choose your actions wisely. Analyze the habits you have, which are empowering? Which habits get in your way or slow you down.

Your thoughts on life, your thoughts on what others should do for you are real. But let me ask you is there a different more empowering thought that may give you a better result?

Is there a better thought that you talk to your self that you repeat in your mind that would give you a better result?

Yes, try it in a small way. Take a small goal and think the thoughts with two different results and see how the results would expand out. It does not matter if this goal is small I just want you to see how your thoughts both pro and con to the outcome of the goal becoming completed. Your thoughts, your self talk becomes the tinder that makes that fire grow or the tinder that has no properties to allow the spark to catch fire. Either way the fire will not catch with the right properties. The same goes with your thoughts about you and your self talk that you talk to yourself.

I hope you grow this Christmas season. I hope you take hold of your thoughts and self talk to allow you to make the changes you desire. Maybe you want to be happier or have more security in life. Maybe you want to have more time with the family with quality. Maybe you want to stop smoking or lose weight. Whatever you want in life you can do this with your new thoughts, new belief and new purpose.

Have a great day, today is your day and enjoy this Christmas season!

Till next time take the time to enjoy life and smile!

www make me smile online dot come

A video for you this Sunday....

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