Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ December 07, 2009

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to a new week! A week of challenges, new ventures, new friends, new idea's. This week is your week!

Now I know what your saying how can everyday be a happy one! Well....ok they are not always but lets put it this way would you rather start the day on a bad note? Would you rather not feel that this week is your week? What really would be the alternative?

Expectation is a key word for today. What and how we expect something to turn out is more often than not they way it will.

Expectation is a strong desire to see something turn out a certain way.

Hope is a thought that we are a little unsure how it will turn out.

I hope that today will be a good day. Versus I expect that today will be a good day.

Which truly sounds better?

Hope is a valid way to look at the future. We elected a president on the word hope.

What we expect from his election is a far better way to elect a president.

No word from me on what I think about politic's not one inch. But I will say this we are responsible for our life not the any politician.

We should have expectations on what we can accomplish each and everyday.

We should have goals and plans on how to execute and meet our expectations.

We should have each day start with our gratitude for what we all have.

If we do the above then you will have a much better start to your day and your week!

A quote from Brian Tracy:

Whatever we expect with confidence becomes

our own self-fulfilling prophecy.

What will be your day and week start out as?

Make a difference first with yourself then seek out another to make a difference with!

Till next time.... Smile and have an awesome week everyone!

www make me smile online dot com

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