Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~October 13, 2009

Happy Tuesday everyone! I know it is back to work for many of you. Some of you had a three day weekend and I hope you had great memories and enjoyed it.

I wanted to give thanks to all of you have taken the time to comment in recent days. It is great to see new faces from time to time. I always appreciate with kindness the regulars.

So as many of you know I like to set aside Tuesday and Thursday for giving thanks, both in prayers and in meditation and taking the time to realize that gratitude and acceptance of it in our lives is perhaps the greatest key to understanding ourselves.

What I want to share with that last statement is, whether you have gratitude in your heart and thoughts is much like the gears in a watch or clock, with out them nothing moves.

Some and we all have seen them have had so much disparagement in their lives that it seems like gratitude is a foreign word. A cliche something that is a buzz word but has no true meaning to them.

Our goal as one that has 'it' in our lives is to share and witness to them the promise of having gratitude in ones life. First with a smile, and living by example to them and then with conversation. The most powerful words that I have found to anyone who has had so much discouragement is found in these two quotes.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. -Unknown


The past does not equal the future ~ Tony Robbins

Once we realize those words of wisdom and believe in them we that can begin to feel gratitude in our lives.

It is no magic, the word and actions of gratitude it has always been there. Like an old dusty book on the shelf waiting to be read again.

We hold the power, we must only ignite it with some form of energy.

Sometimes the only energy needed is that smile and kind word from another.

So what is your gratitude thoughts for the day?

Mine....? Is as follows

My time shared here with you of course. It is perhaps a few moments to prepare and through the day reflection on what is truly a kind and gentle moment with others even when it is only the written word or beautiful imagery from a photo.

My ability to laugh even when times can be hard. Always like to think that it was always there but I think I have refined this over the years and for that I am grateful.

My focus on what can be instead of what most think has to be. Nothing is the only way of doing something. With imagination comes brilliance. Perhaps my most favorite quote I like to live by is as follows:

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death”

~ Rober Fulghum

And with that I pray your day is a great one, filled with joy, smiles and wonder!

Till next time..... Smile!

www make me smile online dot com

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