Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~October 06, 2009

Happy Tuesday everyone! Sending a smile across the miles to all of you today. Yes today is a day to give thanks well everyday we should give thanks of course. Tuesday and Thursday is my little reminder to you all.

Yes somewhere one or more of you is thinking to yourself the thought of 'what if I don't have anything to be thankful for'. Maybe the thought is 'I have so much going on I don't have time'.

A quote I wanted to share that may stir that pot of thoughts.

"When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself". ~ Tecumseh Shawnee Chief quote.

That quote says much.

We are responsible for our actions, thoughts and gratitude that we participate in.

Yes roads and wave can be hard at times. But with gratitude we can see the quality of our life and choose a better path. When we have anger or sadness what do we focus on? Solutions? Joy? Another choice? NO. We focus on one thing, our sadness, or anger. Nothing else, we moan or groan like a small child who lost their balloon high to the clouds.

When you lose that smile, find another.
When you lose that joy, find reasons to renew it.

When you lose gratitude, look to the basic foundations of life.

So what am I grateful for today?

All of you who comment or take the time to email me or read my daily words of encouragement.

My morning time with my daughter as she heads of to school.

That fresh cup of coffee that sits at my side as I prepare for another day of sharing my smile!

What is your book of gratitude today?

Take the time to share your joy, your smile and make a difference in someones life today!

Till next time....... Smile!

www make me smile dot com

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